
Stock Split Calculator









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Have you ever wished you could make your favorite pizza more shareable without losing any of its deliciousness? Well, in the world of investing, companies sometimes do something similar with their shares through a process called a stock split. Let's break down this concept in the simplest way possible, using a tasty pizza analogy.

What is a Stock Split?

Imagine you have a whole pizza to yourself. Now, a stock split is like cutting that pizza into smaller, equally-sized slices, making it easier to share among friends. In the corporate world, companies do stock splits to divide their existing shares into multiple new shares.


Let's say you own one slice of a pizza (or one share of a company's stock) worth ₹100. If the company decides to do a 2-for-1 stock split, it's like cutting your slice in half. Now you have two smaller slices, but each is worth ₹50. So even though you have more slices (or shares), the total value of your pizza (or investment) remains the same.

Why Do Companies Do Stock Splits?

Companies do this to make their shares more affordable for everyday investors. Just like making smaller pizza slices makes it easier for more people to enjoy, splitting shares into smaller pieces makes them more accessible to a wider range of investors.

Wrap Up:

In essence, a stock split is like dividing a large pizza into smaller, more affordable slices without changing the total amount of pizza. It's a way for companies to make investing simpler and more accessible to everyone.

So, the next time you hear about a stock split, think of it as a company making its shares more shareable, slice by slice. Happy investing, and bon appétit!

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