What is the referral bonus?
Once your referred friend opens a Samco account by meeting all the requisite conditions, you will earn the one-time referral bonus worth up to ₹3000*. Read the offer details here.
How does Samco’s Referral Program work?
Refer a friend to Samco and you’ll both receive the following benefits:
Referral benefit for you:
1. Brand vouchers worth up to ₹3,000* once your friend opens a Samco account.
Referral benefit for your friend:
1. Zero cost for opening demat account.
2. Zero demat AMC for the 1st year.
What are the eligibility conditions to receive the referral bonus up to ₹3000?
1. You must hold a Samco account with at least equity trading segments enabled to receive a referral bonus worth up to ₹3000* on each referral.
2. If your friend opens an account, funds his/her trading account with ₹2,000 (1st pay-in), and starts investing by 1st August 24, you’ll receive the referral bonus. If your referred friends make partial payments or do a pay-in of less than ₹2,000, you won’t be eligible for the referral bonus.
Is there any limit to refer someone to Samco?
Yes. The referral bonus worth up to ₹3000* will be capped at 10 referral accounts.
When will I get the referral bonus of gift vouchers?
Upon meeting the eligibility conditions, the gift vouchers will be disbursed within 7 days
Note: The gift vouchers will expire within 7 days from the date of issuance.
What will my referred friends get?
Your referred friends will get the following benefits:
1. Zero cost for opening demat account.
2. Zero demat AMC for the 1st year.
Why can't I see my pending referrals after 30 days?
Your pending referrals (i.e. referrals whose account application is incomplete) will be visible only for 30 days from their respective registration date.
After the 30th day, if your referred friend has not completed his/her account application, you won’t receive any referral benefit and such referral will be unlinked from your account; Samco will consider them a direct account (which is not mapped under any referral code).
Where can I see the terms & condition of the ongoing referral benefits?
You can see the terms & condition of the ongoing offers by visiting Samco's referral page.
Can I generate the referral link from the Samco mobile and web app?
Follow the below steps on the Samco mobile app:
1. Login and scroll down to the referral widget on the app homescreen.
2. Click on it to visit the referral dashboard.
3. Copy or share your personal referral link and share it with your friends and family.
Alternatively, you can visit your profile section on the app, click on 'Settings' menu and click on 'Refer Friends & Earn' tab to visit your referral dashboard.
Follow the below steps on the Samco web app:
1. Login and visit your profile section.
2. Click on 'Settings' menu.
3. Click on 'Refer Friends & Earn' tab.
4. Copy / share your personal referral link with your friends and family.
What is Samco App and its benefits?
The new-gen Samco App introduces features like:
1. Personal Index
2. Your Portfolio movers
3. Your Trade analytics
4. Latest recommendations
5. Top Products
6. Trader’s tool
How to Reset Password
You can retrieve your Samco login password by following the below mentioned steps:
1. Open Samco app and enter your mobile number or client code for login
2. Click on continue and then click on forget password.
3. You will get 4-digit OTP on your registered mobile and e-mail
4. Enter your 4-digit OTP and click on submit.
5. Set your new password, confirm it and your password is reset.
What if client does not remember his client ID
Open Samco app on top right-hand side click on ‘?’.
1. Enter your Pan Number and Registered mail ID
2. Click on next and you will be able to see your client ID
Why are my orders are getting rejected?
The common RMS order rejections are mentioned in the following - Rejection List
Why my funds not credited in trading account transferred through UPI?
On transferring the funds if credit is not reflecting in your trading account, you can raise a ticket with the screenshot of your UTR number and amount deposited along with your client code for quick processing and verification.
What are the charges applicable for trading and demat account?
While trading in the Equities and Equity Derivatives Segment in India, the charges that are applicable are Brokerage, Exchange Transaction Charges, CM Charges, GST, Securities Transaction Tax, and Stamp Duty.
Explore the other charges now. Click Here at Samco, we do have a brokerage calculator to predict the trade charges per executed trade to plan for earning higher profit.
How to check balance in Samco App
a) Login to the Samco app
b) On Home page (available in watchlist, orders, portfolio, and discover) on right hand side you will see a wallet icon. Click on it to see your available balance.
How to deposit or transfer funds in Samco app?
Login to the Samco app.
B. On-Home Page, at top right-hand side there will be a wallet icon click on it
c. Click on Add-funds at the bottom of page.
d. Select the payment mode. (UPI, Net banking, NEFT, RTGS)
e. Enter the amount and click on ‘Add funds.
How to create a watchlist in Samco 3.0
1. Login into the Samco app
2. Go to watchlist.
3. Click on + Icon
4. Type the name of the watchlist
5. Click on ‘Create Watchlist’.
6. Search and add the stock.
How to pledge and unpledged your shares from Samco app
A.To Pledge Stocks
1. Login into the Samco app
2. Go to the portfolio Tab.
3. Click on Holdings
4. Scroll the screen down you will able to see the pledge banner
5. Select the holding which you want to pledge.
6. Click on pledge.
7. You will receive OTP.
8. Enter the OTP and click on verify.
B. To Unpledged Stock.
1. Login into the Samco app
2. Go to the portfolio Tab.
3. Click on Holdings
4. Scroll the screen down you will able to see the pledge banner
5. Select the appropriate holding which you wanted too unpledged.
6. Click on unpledged and Submit
How to check your GTT orders
1. Login to the Samco app
2. Go to the “Orders” Tab
3. Swipe the header and you’ll see GTT.
4. Tap on GTT, it will land on Active GTT section.
How to start Sip from Samco app
There are two ways to create SIP –
1. Login to Samco app
2. Go to watchlist and tap on any desired stock where you wish to start SIP OR you can directly go to orders tab and swipe right and go to SIP section and click on create new SIP button
3. Swipe right until u reach SIP section
4. Now check the SIP performance and at the bottom of the screen you will see start SIP button
5. Tap on it and fill in the required details to setup your SIP.
6. Once the details are filled it will prompt for OTP.
7. Enter the OTP and click on continue.
8. On the next screen success message of SIP registration will be displayed.
9. Once setup is done, click on setup Auto-debit
10. Select between the available option for auto-debit i.e Netbanking or Debit card.
11. Choose any one and proceed with the mandate authorization.
12. Your SIP setup is completed.
How to create a mandate in Samco app for sip
1. Login into the Samco app
2. Go to the “Orders “Tab
3. Scroll down the menu bar from left to right.
4. select SIP or click on SIP.
5. In the active section click on add button to set up mandate.
6. you will receive 2options, net banking and debit card.
7. select the option and fill the required details.
8. Click on proceed and your mandate is submitted.
How to place a basket order on Samco app and how to add stocks in the basket.
1. Login to SAMCO app
2. Go to Orders section and swipe right until you see the Basket module
3. Click on ‘+ Add Basket’ button
4. Enter the name for your basket
5. Click on Create basket
6. Basket will be created and now you need to add symbols in the basket
7. Click on add symbols at the bottom of the screen or you can directly search & add inside the basket.
8. Search for any stock/contract
9. Click on add to basket post filling the apt details
10. Basket order will be created
How to place a basket order on Samco app and how to add stocks in the basket.
1. Login to SAMCO app
2. Go to Orders section and swipe right until you see the Basket module
3. Click on ‘+ Add Basket’ button
4. Enter the name for your basket
5. Click on Create basket
6. Basket will be created and now you need to add symbols in the basket
7. Click on add symbols at the bottom of the screen or you can directly search & add inside the basket.
8. Search for any stock/contract
9. Click on add to basket post filling the apt details
10. Basket order will be created
How to add indices in Samco app
1. Login into the Samco app.
2. Go to the watchlist tab
3. Swipe down the notch.
4. Click on add indices.
5. Click on + Button to add the appropriate indices which you want to add.
6. Click on continue and swipe up the Notch to go back to the original state.
How to create a price alert and positions alert on Samco app
1. Login to SAMCO app
2. Go to orders swipe until u reach Alerts section
3. There will be two types of Alerts – Price Alert & Positions Alert
4. To set price alert, tap on create alert or + button to set alert on a stock
5. Fill in the required details as per your need and the price alert will be set.
6. For positions alert, click on + button and the total profit & loss amount and click on create alert
7. The positions alert will be created.
How to check index analysis in Samco app
1. Login into the Samco app.
2. Go to the discover tab.
3. Click on Market overview Tab.
4. On Right hand side click on arrow and Index analysis page will be open.
How to add multiple charts of Trading view in Samco app.
1. Login into the Samco app
2. Go the watchlist app.
3. Tap on any stock it will open the quote window.
4. Click on expand icon in the mini-chart.
5. The full scree chart will open.
6. At the header of the chart swipe to right
7. click on the square icon that is the layout option and select the layout of your choice.
Where to check ETF and bonds on Samco app
1. Login into the Samco app.
2. Go to the discover Tabs.
3. Click on ETF / Bonds
4. And you will be able to view.
How to check ledger from Back- office?
We are determined to provide you a quick resolution and support in every way possible.
To get the details about your Ledger, you can follow the steps given below:
1) Click on the following link to open your Back Office: http://star.samco.in/.
2) Go to the LEDGER option in the left column
3) Select the Segment , Date and Financial Year of your choice
4)Click on “SHOW” button to view your LEDGER details
5)You can also download the ledger in an excel format by clicking on “DOWNLOAD” button
In case you have any questions or need any help, email us at accounts@samco.in or can raise a ticket, our executive will resolve your query.
Collateral Details at NCL
This is with reference to SEBI circular no SEBI/HO/MRD2_DCAP/CIR/2021/0598 dated July 20, 2021 and NSE Clearing Ltd. (NCL) vide Circular No. NCL/CMPL/49348 dated August 20, 2021 on Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level. As per Para 4 of the SEBI circular, with a view to provide visibility of client-wise collateral (for each client) at all levels, viz., TM, CM and Clearing Corporation (CC), a reporting mechanism, covering both cash and non-cash collaterals shall be specified by the Clearing Corporations.
Click here to check Client Collateral Details
Collateral Details at MCXCCL
In terms of the provisions of the Rules, Bye-Laws and Regulations of the Multi Commodity Exchange Clearing Corporation Limited (“MCXCCL”), this is in reference to SEBI circular no SEBI/HO/MRD2_DCAP/CIR/2021/0598 dated July 20, 2021, MCXCCL Circular No. MCXCCL/INSP/218/2021 dated August 20, 2022 and MCXCCL Circular No. MCXCCL/C&S/102/2022 dated April 27, 2022 on Segregation and Monitoring of Collateral at Client Level-Reporting Format. As per Para 4 of the SEBI circular, with a view to provide visibility of client-wise collateral (for each client) at all levels, viz., TM, CM and Clearing Corporations, a reporting mechanism, covering both the cash and non-cash collaterals shall be specified by the Clearing Corporations.
Click here to check Client Collateral Details
What is withdrawal TAT for process?
We are determined to provide you a quick resolution and support in every way possible.
The Account balance in the Withdrawals page is the clear ledger balance available in your account. However, the available clear withdrawal balance adjusts for the obligations on account of the exchange settlement cycles.
Pay-out timing For Equity & Commodity Withdrawal request raised will get process within 24 working hours or on nextday before 2PM.
what is Monthly/Quarterly Retention for UCC: Quarterly pay out?
It is our constant endeavor to keep you updated about the various transactions which have been conducted in your trading account with us.
We draw reference to SEBIs Circular (MIRSD/SE/Cir-19/2009) dated 3rd December 2009, wherein a stock broker is required to transfer Excess Fund & Securities of the Client from his trading A/c to the client’s bank A/c on monthly/quarterly basis (as the case may be), except as permitted by the Exchange.
In adherence with the same, we would like to keep you informed that your Trading A/C has been settled and the excess funds have been transferred from your Trading A/C to your Bank A/C registered with us.
In case of any further clarifications, please raise a ticket from the website or write to us at support@samco.in
How to check holding in back-office?
To get the details about your holdings you can follow the steps given below:
1) Click on the following link to open your : Back Office
2) Login to your back office with your user name and password
3) Click on “View Holdings” to get the details on your holdings
How to Check ITR Statements from Samco Star Back Office?
We are determined to provide you a quick resolution and support in every way possible.
1. To download the Profit & Loss statement for Equity trades please follow this : link
2. To download the Profit & Loss statement for Derivatives trades please follow this link :
3. To download the Trade book summary please follow this link :
4. To download the Ledger of your account please follow this link :
Enter you Client code as username and password as you have set to login the back office. In case you don't remember the password use this link to reset a new password :
Select the method you wish to check your profit and loss statement and the financial year and click on show button. To download the report click on the download button.
On scrolling down it will also show scrip wise P&L.
What is process for online account modification?
You can visit star.samco.in, login to SAMCO Star Back Office and Change your Address under ‘Account Settings’ option on the top-right corner and select Modify now and proceed further.
Please Note - For online modification charges are applicable as per required modification
How to add segment in the existing trading account?
Your account is already active with us. Since you wish to add a segment with us in your existing account;
You can opt an online modification option login into your Back office - - go to account setting (hover your cursor on the top right of the screen) and select ""Segment modify"" to proceed further.
If you want to know more about the steps of Online Segment Addition, click on video link
After receiving your segment addition request online the same will update within Working 48 Hours.
Incase you wish to opt physical process, the same can be done by submitting the attached segment addition form and required income proofs and send us on below mentioned address.
Samco Securities Limited
302-A Naman Midtown, 3rd Floor, Senapati Bapat Marg,
Elphinstone (W) Mumbai - 400013.
The segment addition form can be downloaded from
After receiving your segment addition form the same will update within Working 72 Hours.
Which financial products/instruments can I buy using SAMCO?
You can use Samco to invest or redeem your investments in publicly traded companies, global currencies, exchange traded funds, bonds and non-convertible debentures listed on Indian Exchanges. This is a list of over 5000 securities. You can also trade commodities listed on leading commodity exchanges in India.
What does the Name SAMCO mean?
SAMCO is an adopted modified version of the name Samruddhi. SAMCO is a Samruddhi group company. Samruddhi in Hindi means prosperity. Our Logo the swastika is associated with "Well-Being".
How is SAMCO different from other brokers?
SAMCO operates with a simple idea of using Technology to radically change the way customer's trade. We discard the excesses that existing traditional brokers use – such as legacy technology, hundreds of branches, and paper-based accounting and thereby reduce costs. The benefit of these cost reductions are passed back to you by way of fixed lower brokerage. Our thought process allows us to not charge you on percentage volume basis and without turnover or other monthly commitments.
What is SAMCO?
SAMCO is a Discount Stock Broker and Commodity Broker. It’s a low cost, technology driven stock broker with memberships across all leading stock and commodity exchanges in India including BSE, NSE, MCX-SX, MCX and NCDEX. You can place orders on SAMCO's platforms to buy or sell securities and your orders will receive the best possible trade execution.
Is SAMCO a SEBI and Exchange Registered Broker?
Yes. SAMCO is a SEBI and Exchange Registered Broker. Our Registration Numbers are as follows :
SAMCO Securities Limited - SEBI Reg. No. INZ000002535
SAMCO Commodities Limited - SEBI Reg. No. INZ0000013932
SAMCO Securities Limited - CDSL: IN-DP-CDSL-443-2008
Why is this brokerage cash back given?
We believe, our customers should be given one month to try the Samco App, so that they can experience never before seen features like personalised stock alerts, insight integrated giga trading, order placement assistance and much more on the Samco App at virtually no brokerage cost.
How will the Brokerage Cash Back Work? Are there any terms and conditions?
Brokerage Cashback will be calculated on all transactions done using the Samco App and will be refunded the very next day in customers ledger directly.
If you place 3 successful orders using the Samco App and the brokerage amounts to INR 60 (Rs.20 per order X 3 orders). The next day INR 60 will be credited to your ledger. Effectively making the transactions brokerage free for you.
Which trading platforms are eligible for the Brokerage Cash back?
Trades made using the SAMCO Web, Call and Trade Service, Desktop Platform, RMS Square Off and Second/Third Leg orders of Bracket orders are NOT Eligible for Brokerage cash back since these are not in essence placed from the Samco Application. Usual brokerage as per the brokerage tariff sheet will be applied on placing orders from these platforms even during the 30 days of brokerage cash back eligibility. Brokerage Cash back is exclusively for orders placed using the new Samco Application.
Is the Brokerage Cashback for trades made in all segments?
Any Trades placed in all segments using the Samco Application are eligible for Cash Back
What happens after these 30 days of brokerage cash back?
After 30 days, the normal flat brokerage will apply which is flat Rs.20/- per executed order or 0.05% for derivatives and for Intra-day or 0.5% for delivery of shares whichever is Lower. Detailed pricing for the same can be found on the pricing page of the SAMCO Website.
How do I Sign Up and Open an Account?
You can open an account with us in several ways :
- You Can Visit our Online Application Page and fill up your form online.
- You Can Download the Forms from our website, fill it up and send it to us.
- You can Request a Call Back by filling in your contact details and we'll get in touch with you.
- You can Call our sales team on +91 +91 2222 7777 | +91 022 4503 0450.
Why Does SAMCO ask for My PAN, Birth Date and other details while opening an Account?
SAMCO is bound by SEBI Regulations and Exchange Compliances which require us to complete the KYC i.e. Know – Your – Customer details which require the above details as mandatory fields.
How much do I need to pay to open my account?
Account opening is completely FREE and no account opening charges are applicable.
What are the account opening document requirements?
You require the following documents for opening an account :
- Photograph
- PAN Card
- Bank Details – Cancelled cheque or Bank Statement/Passbook copy
- Aadhar Card (or alternative address proof such as Drivers license, Voter ID, etc)
- Proof of Income (6 months bank statement or ITR Return or 3 months salary slip)
Are there any annual charges I need to pay?
There are no Annual Charges you need to pay for maintaining your Broking Account. However, you will need to pay an AMC of Rs 400 + 18% GST = Rs 472 per annum for your Demat account.
How long does "opening an account" take?
If you opt for our paperless account opening process, your account will be opened with 24 hours of completing the online process. You may still have to send us a couple of documents however that may not restrict your onboarding process.
In case of physical account opening - If all your documents are in order, your account will be opened within 24 hours of receiving the completed documents. Demat account takes a little bit longer but we endeavour to open the Demat account too within 48 hours.
Can I transfer stocks from my existing depository to my SAMCO account?
Yes, you can transfer your existing stocks from your existing Demat account to SAMCO's Trading or Demat Account provide your existing DP accounts (outside SAMCO) are mapped with us. Fill out an instruction slip with either your SAMCO Demat Details or SAMCO Client Beneficiary Account Details and send it to your existing DP and your stocks will get transferred to the SAMCO accounts.
How can I check my account opening status?
You can check your account opening status on our KYC Tracker.
What is an eSAMCO paperless account?
With SAMCO, you can now open a trading account and begin trading without submitting physical documents and without a wet signature. Since the account opening process is completely paperless, it’s called a eSAMCO paperless account.
How do I open an eSAMCO paperless trading account?
To open an eSAMCO paperless trading account, log onto Samco, enter details and your AADHAR number. An OTP will be sent to the email ID and mobile number linked to your AADHAR. Once you enter your OTP, your documents shall be digitally signed and you need not send a physical copy of all your documents.
Which documents cannot be digitally signed and will be required to be submitted physically?
As per Indian laws, power of attorney (for limited purposes of pay-in/pay-out and settlement obligations) and NACH mandate cannot be signed digitally and therefore will have to be signed and physically submitted. Until you submit these documents, your account shall be classified as a eSAMCO account. Only once you submit these documents, your account status shall change from eSAMCO to SAMCO.
What happens if the required documents are not physically signed and sent?
If you do not sign and send us the documents, your account will continue to be classified as an eSAMCO account and you will be subject to the following restrictions
- Sale requests - eSAMCO account holders shall not be able to sell stocks for delivery in the cash markets without placing a “release for sell” request from SAMCO STAR. This is because since we do not have your power of attorney to move your stock from your Demat account, we cannot pay-in your shares for the purposes of exchange obligation of securities. This can result in an auction of your shares sold on account of non-delivery. Once a client places a special “release for sell” request from SAMCO STAR, that acts as an authorisation to move your stock from your DEMAT account for settlement against exchange obligation.
What happens if the required documents later are physically signed and sent?
Once you send us the required documents, your account will be converted from an eSAMCO account to a normal SAMCO account and none of the restrictions as above will be applicable.
How do I place a “release for sell” request and how long is my “release for sell” valid till?
Placing a “Request for Sell” is completely FREE of COST. You can place a “release for sell” request from the SAMCO STAR from the Holdings Menu. Once you place a request, an OTP will be generated and sent to your registered email ID and mobile number which will have to be entered. Once your, OTP is validated, your request shall be sent for processing. It will take up to 30 minutes to process your request subsequent to which you shall be able to sell your stock. Please note that a request will have to be placed for each stock and requests shall be valid only for the same day. That is if stock is released and not sold, then a fresh request of “release for sell” will have to be placed on the following day. Once you submit the required documents and your account status is changed from eSAMCO to SAMCO, the above procedure will not be required to be followed.
Are there any restrictions for trading in the derivatives segment?
There are no restrictions whatsoever in the trading in the Equity Derivatives (NSE-F&O), Currency Derivatives (NSE-CFX) and Commodity Derivatives segments (MCX) for a eSAMCO/SAMCO Account. This is because trading in the derivatives segment doesn’t have any implications requiring a demat account/share settlement and hence is unaffected.
Are Brokerage/any other charges different for a eSAMCO account vis-a-vis SAMCO account?
No. All brokerage and expenses remain the same irrespective of whether its an eSAMCO or a SAMCO account.
Where do I need to send the documents?
You need to sign and send the documents to our office address
1004 - A Wing, 10th Floor, Naman Midtown, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai - 400013, Maharashtra, India.
What is the Brokerage you will charge?
SAMCO charges flat Rs. 20/Executed Order for All Segments. You can also avail of the benefit of the lower of Rs. 20/Executed Order or 0.05% (Derivatives Segment)/0.5% (Cash Segment) in case your trading volumes are low.
What is an Executed Order?
When you place an order which gets traded, it is called an executed order. At SAMCO you don't pay for placing, cancelling or modifying an order, you pay only per executed order.
What are the "Call & Trade" Charges?
Whenever an order is executed through our trading terminal a call and trade charge of Rs 20 + Taxes would be levied. The order gets executed from our trading terminal when you call any one of our dealers at +91 22-2222-7777 | +91 022-4503-0450 and execute a trade using dealer services and in case of RMS Sqaure offs for intraday and other sqaure offs.
What if my order gets partially executed i.e. I put in one order but it got executed in multiple trades?
Samco doesn't charge per trade but per executed order. So even if one order gets executed in multiple trades, its considered as one executed order and charged normally at Rs. 20. (not applicable for BO product type)
What if I modify my order. Do I get charged for modification?
No. In case of modification, the order number remains the same as the original order and hence you shall not be charged in case you modify an existing pending order.
How is the brokerage charged in case of expiry date settlements?
In case of expiry date settlement, brokerage will be applicable in case of exercised or assigned option trades. No brokerage will be applicable in case of expired options or settled futures trades.
Why do I need to pay for physical contract copies and how much is the amount?
SAMCO uses technology and processes to reduce trading costs for its customers. We try to cut out the fat that makes trading expensive which includes paper – accounting. We send all our customers digital contract notes of their trades. However, in case you insist for a copy, it is charged at Rs. 25 per copy + Applicable courier charges.
Does SAMCO provide Intraday Margin Limits?
SAMCO provides Intraday Margin Limits. Margin limits differ for each stock. You need to select the Order type "MIS/CO/BO" while placing an order for availing intraday margin limits.
SAMCO has different margin requirements and leverage available for different segments as under :
For Intraday, up to 5x depending on the product type and stock selected. Up to 4x delivery leverage with SAMCO MTF.
Equity Futures
Full NRML margins as mandated by exchange. Find the equity futures margin details on our Equity Derivatives Margin Calculator page.
Equity Options
No Leverage for purchase of options. Have to maintain full NRML margins as mandated by exchange for options writing.
Currency Futures
Full NRML margins as mandated by exchange. Find the currency margin details on our Currency Derivatives Margin Calculator page.
Currency Options
No Leverage for purchase of options. Have to maintain full NRML margins as mandated by exchange for options writing.
Commodity Futures
Full NRML margins as mandated by exchange. Find the currency margin details on our Commodity Derivatives Margin Calculator page.
SAMCO clears with the exchanges on T day so overnight exchange margins are the lowest in the industry.
How much margin do I need to trade across segments?
In order to calculate the margin requirements across segments, use our Margin Calculator.
Do I get margin against shares with SAMCO?
Yes. You can get margin against shares with Samco Stock Plus. Refer our knowledge center article on margin against shares for complete information.
Does SAMCO provide delivery leverage?
Yes. SAMCO does provide delivery leverage up to 4x with the MTF product. Know more.
What are the options available to me to place my trades?
There are several alternatives for you to place your trades :
- SAMCO Trader- Experience the most advanced, reliable, and stable desktop trading platform
- SAMCO Web - Track your true performance with our Samco Web.
- SAMCO Mobile Application - Our Mobile Application for iOS and Android.
- SAMCO Call & Trade-You can also Call & Trade by calling +91 – 22 – 2222 7777 | 022-4503-0450 from 9.00 AM – 11.55 PM.
Do I get technical tools in the platforms available?
Yes, Technical tools are available on the SAMCO Trader and SAMCO Web 5.
I'm bound by corporate firewalls of my organisation and can't install the SAMCO trader application on the desktop? How do I trade?
You can use our SAMCO Web 5, the HTML trading platform which works perfectly fine even behind corporate firewalls.
What internet speed do I need to trade on the Web?
You'll need more than 512 kbps of internet speed for a smooth optimized trading experience.
What are the tools available in SAMCO?
SAMCO provides you with a lot of innovative tools which include Margin Calculators, Brokerage Calculators, Pledge Monitor, SAMCO Ratings Tool and many more to come.
What are the calculators available and what are their features?
Margin Calculators – Provides all the information pertaining to Margins whilst trading with SAMCO.
Brokerage Calculators – Helps you calculate your brokerage and other regulatory costs upfront.
What is the SAMCO Ratings Tool?
SAMCO Ratings Tool is the first and only Stock Rating tools in India. It uses an objective mechanism to evaluate and rate companies on a variety of different parameters including market analysis, earnings, balance sheet analysis, corporate governance and others. Use the SAMCO Ratings tool to identify whether your stock is an AAA rated stock or a C rated stock or a Penny Stock!.
What is the SPAN calculator and what is it used for?
The SPAN calculator is a tool to help you calculate your margin requirements before you trade a particular security or contract.
What is the "Pledge Monitor" and what is its importance?
Several large stocks have taken a beating and have ended up destroying shareholder wealth when promoters pledged stocks are invoked in the markets by their lenders. Several promoters borrow money by pledging their shares with lenders and when they default on their loans; the stock gets invoked resulting into depressed stock prices. SAMCO's proprietary Pledge Monitor helps you track which promoters are deeply indebted, which have borrowed more against their stock or which ones have repaid their loans and released their pledge on a quarter on quarter basis.
Where can I find the forms required to manage my account?
You can find the forms required to manage your account in the Downloads section.
If I need any help relating to my account, how can I get in touch?
There are several alternatives for you to place your trades :
- SAMCO Trader- Experience the most advanced, reliable, and stable desktop trading platform
- SAMCO Web - Track your true performance with our Samco Web.
- SAMCO Mobile Application - Our Mobile Application for iOS and Android.
- Incase if you have any queries you can raise a support ticket from the Samco app or you can dial our helpline no +91 2222 7777 | 022-4503-0450 from 9.00 AM – 6:00 PM
What is the associate program? How does it work?
When you open a SAMCO account, you automatically become a SAMCO referral associate. This status gives you an opportunity to refer fellow friends, family and traders and setup a life time income stream. To join the program, you'll first need to join SAMCO as a customer and then you can start referring your friends and family. To know more, visit our Associate section.
What is the Call & Trade number?
You can Call & Trade at +91 – 22 – 2222 7777 | 022-4503-0450
How to change your password?
You can change your password from the Samco app by the following steps:
1. Login the new Samco app
2. Click on See my profile on the top of dashboard
3. Click on settings
4. Select change password
How can you add segments for trading to your account?
There are 3 trading and investment segments that are available for trading with Samco.
1. Stocks & Mutual Funds
2. Derivatives ( Futures & Options)
3. Commodities (MCX Futures & Options)
Steps to add segment in existing trading account through Samco Star Back office:-
1. Log in to Samco Star Back Office. Click Here
2. On the right top corner, Click on the Account holder name then on the "Account Settings" option.
3. Now, click on the "Segment Modify" option for segment addition.
4. In the end, select the segment, upload the required documents, and process further for Aadhar OTP verification.
5. Once the segment addition process is completed, wait up to 48 working hours.
How can you request for a DIS Slip book from your account?
To add segments for trading download the DIS request form, fill the required details, sign at the highlighted boxes and send to the following address - SAMCO Securities Limited, 1004 - A, Naman Midtown, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone West, Mumbai 400 013.
How does SAMCO protect my personal account information?
SAMCO takes your privacy very seriously and have tight controls in place to restrict access to your personal information. We will not use any of your information or distribute to third party marketers or vendors. Your personal information is fully secure with us at all times. Certain vendor or advisers may pose to be representatives of SAMCO and may offer you returns or schemes. Customers are cautioned against such unscrouplous parties and should not fall prey to such scams.
Are my assets safe with SAMCO?
SAMCO is a SEBI registered entity. As a fully compliant entity, your funds are always kept in a segregated account as per SEBI law. Your securities are held separately in your own Demat account maintained by SAMCO. You can check your account balances anytime from our Back office.
For how long has SAMCO been in business?
SAMCO has been in the Stock Broking business for over 20 years. SAMCO used to operate under the trade name Samruddhi until recently when it was rebranded to SAMCO to mark the next steps in our journey. We have been serving happy customers for over 20 years.
When can a peak margin penalty be levied while closing hedged trade?
A margin penalty can be levied if sufficient funds and collateral are not maintained during snapshots. SEBI requires clearing corporations to take snapshots of intraday positions at least 4 times a day and calculate margins on intraday positions.
The exit of a low-risk leg of a hedged trade is a common cause of peak margin penalties. In some cases, margin penalties may be imposed despite a client closing both legs of a hedged transaction. It can happen if the peak margin snapshot is taken when one leg of the trade has been closed but the other has not or yet to be closed.
1. Let’s assume that Client A wants to trade in F&O and transfers ₹1,00,000 to his/her trading account
2. A takes a NIFTY long position of May contract - margin blocked is ₹60,000
3. A takes a NIFTY short position of June contract - margin blocked is now ₹20,000/- (on account of the position currently being hedged; free balance in account: ₹80,000/-)
4. A takes a BANKNIFTY long position of May contract - margin blocked ₹60,000/-
5. In this case, A has fulfilled all margin requirements
6. A now closes the first leg of the NIFTY position (long May), as a result of which the total margin required in the account goes up to ₹1,20,000/-
7. NSE takes a snapshot of the position at this instance and captures ₹1,20,000/- as the margin required
8. A closes the other leg of NIFTY, as a result of which the margin required drops to ₹60,000/- (Since only the BANKNIFTY position is open)
In this example, an unnecessary penalty gets levied for being short on peak margins, despite the client having squared up the outstanding positions and complying with the margin requirements on an end-of-day basis.
Why have I been charged margin penalty?
The SEBI circular on upfront margins (PDF) dated July 20, 2020 prescribed the norms for collecting upfront margins and introduced the concept of peak margins.
A peak margin was introduced to curb excessive leverage provided by some brokers, which put the entire market at risk. Previously, margins were only calculated on End of Day (EOD) positions, brokers granted clients excess leverage intraday and required them to close positions before the end of the day.
As a result of this excess leverage, SEBI required clearing corporations to take snapshots of intraday positions at least four times a day and calculate margins on these positions. According to SEBI's circular, here's an excerpt:
(i) Clearing Corporations shall send minimum 4 snapshots of client wise margin requirement to TMs/CMs for them to know the intraday margin requirement per client in each segment. The number of times snapshots need to be sent in a day may be decided by the respective Clearing Corporation depending on market timings subject to a minimum of 4 snapshots in a day. The snapshots would be randomly taken in pre-defined time windows.
Due to this, the clearing corporation today takes 4 snapshots of positions held by its clients at random intervals. Any shortfall in margin is subject to a penalty if the broker does not report available margins against the highest margin value across the 4 files. The circular explains this in detail:
(ii) The client wise margin file (MG-12113) provided by the CCs to TMs/CMs shall contain the EOD margin requirements of the client as well as the peak margin requirement of the client, across each of the intra-day snapshots.
(iii) The member shall have to report the margin collected from each client, as at EOD and peak margin collected during the day, in the following mariner:
a) EOD margin obligation of the client shall be compared with the respective client margin available with the TM/CM at EOD.
b) Peak margin obligation of the client, across the snapshots, shall be compared with respective client peak margin available with the TM/CM during the day.
Higher of the shortfall in collection of the margin obligations at (a) and (b) above, shall be considered for levying of penalty as per the extant framework.
The intention of the market regulator is undeniable, but the manner in which the circular has been implemented is not without flaws. Samco does not provide any excess leverage to clients, and always stipulates the collection of upfront margins when clients are taking positions. However, there are circumstances where the margins shoot up after clients have entered into positions, resulting in a shortfall. There is no way for a broker to control/know the margins charged by the Exchange in advance. Here are examples:
Increase in margins after EOD upon expiry of weekly contracts
As you are aware, there are weekly option contracts available for various indices: BANK NIFTY, NIFTY, and FINNIFTY. There are often instances where a client may have a hedged position, holding one leg in a weekly contract and another leg in a monthly contract. On expiry day, in the event that a client does not square off the weekly contract (expiring that day), the margins shoot up after market close. Margins are lower for the hedged position until 3:30 PM, and shoot up thereafter.
This causes a great deal of inconvenience, with the exchanges often levying unnecessary penalties due to the margin shortfall in the end-of-day file. The fact that such a shortfall is likely to occur may not immediately be apparent to a client either.
Peak margins due to lag in closing both legs of hedged position
This example is in continuation of the above point. After implementation of the peak margin framework, it is possible for a penalty to be levied despite a client having closed both legs of a hedged trade. This can happen in case the peak margin snapshot is taken at a time when one leg of the trade is closed and the other is yet to be closed.
1. Let’s assume that Client A wants to trade in F&O and transfers ₹1,00,000 to his/her trading account
2. A takes a NIFTY long position in May contract - margin blocked is ₹60,000
3. A takes a NIFTY short position in June contract - margin blocked is now ₹20,000/- (on account of the position currently being hedged; free balance in account: ₹80,000/-)
4. A takes a BANKNIFTY long position in May contract - margin blocked ₹60,000/-
5. In this case, A has fulfilled all margin requirements
6. A now closes the first leg of the NIFTY position (long May), as a result of which the total margin required in the account goes up to ₹1,20,000/-
7. The system of a trading member raises an alert and informs A of short margins
8. NSE takes a snapshot of the position at this instance and captures ₹1,20,000/- as the margin required
9. A, on receipt of an alert from the trading member, closes the other leg of NIFTY, as a result of which the margin required drops to ₹60,000/- (Since only the BANKNIFTY position is open)
In this example, an unnecessary penalty gets levied for being short on peak margins, despite the client having squared up the outstanding positions and complying with the margin requirements on an end-of-day basis.
All brokers are subject to audits by internal auditors, concurrent auditors, inspections by stock exchanges - both onsite and offsite, inspection by market regulator SEBI. As such, it is unlikely that a broker is making money by posting entries on the client’s ledger in the garb of “margin penalty”.