All the buy and sell orders have been divided into different product types to differentiate the orders. The 5 types of product types are as follows:
- MIS (Margin Intraday Square up)
- CNC orders (Cash N Carry)
- NRML orders (Normal Margin)
- Cover Orders
- Bracket Orders
The Full form of MIS orders is Margin Intraday Square off orders. Margin Intraday Square up (MIS) – As the name suggests, MIS orders are intraday orders and needs to be squared off during the same trading day. If the order is not squared off by the user or converted into other order types, the RMS system shall automatically square off the order a few minutes before the market close. The auto square off for Equity, F&O & Currency – 15 minutes before the market close and for the Commodity Derivatives Segment the square off happens 30 minutes before the market close. Thus, if a trader wants to strictly trade intraday he can do so by using the MIS product type. He need not even worry about squaring off the trade as the trades will get auto squared off. Also, if required the MIS product type can be converted into delivery or carry forward trades through position conversion window.
MIS order margins
Since the MIS orders are purely intraday orders, leverage provided is more than that for non intraday or carry forward orders. The leverage can get upto 12x leverage in Equity Delivery, more than 30X in FNO & more than 50x leverage in commodity segment. To check MIS order margins, check the Intraday margin calculator.
MIS is the common product type for intraday in all the segments. Also, in the equity segment, short selling for intraday can be done using the MIS product.
How to place a MIS order on NEST Trader?
To place MIS orders, use the Product type MIS in the Order Entry form in the SAMCO NEST Trader

Intraday Brokerage with MIS Orders
The brokerage applicable for Intraday trades with MIS orders shall be Rs. 20 per executed order or 0.25% whichever is lower. Use the Intraday brokerage calculator for calculating the exact brokerage.
Largest Intraday Trading Universe in NSE Equity Cash Segment and BSE Equity Cash Segment
SAMCO, one of India’s leading discount brokers has one of the largest universe for trading stocks intraday with over 500+ stocks being permitted for intraday trading.
To begin investing and trading with MIS orders with additional leverage, open a Free trading and demat account today.
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