Without any further ado, let’s learn about one of the basic reports that consolidate your investments, and that is CAS or Consolidated Account Statement.
The areas covered about Consolidated Account Statement are:
- What does a CAS or Consolidated Account Statement mean?
- Who sends the CAS?
- When would you receive the consolidated account statement?
- What can you find in the consolidated mutual fund statement?
- What happens if there are no transactions in any month?
- What happens if there are no transactions for a long time?
- Will all of your portfolios be included in a single CAS?
- Will a minor’s portfolio be considered for consolidation?
- What other information can you find on your CAS?
- Can you get a duplicate CAS?
- Do you get a CAS from the AMC?
- What should you do if some of the portfolios are not reflected in the CAS?
- Are there any fees associated with it?
- How to modify your registered email?
- Do you get any SMS/messages when a CAS is issued?

1) What does Consolidated Account Statement or CAS mean?
Consolidated Account Statement (CAS) is a combined account statement which shows the details of all of your transactions in the past month, across Mutual funds, Equity shares, Preference shares, Warrants, Money market instruments, Securitized instruments, Government securities, and Corporate bonds held in your demat (dematerialized) account through all the brokers.
This is an auto-generated statement of your transactions which is issued for those folio holders who have made transactions and are identified by the holder’s Permanent Account Number (PAN). It is highly unlikely that you don’t receive a statement since your KYC is registered with the depository. And if you haven’t received a CAS despite of the fact that your KYC is registered, it’s time to contact the authorities – which in this case is the Depository NSDL or CDSL. It is very important to know your own depository.
2) Who sends the CAS?
As the PANs are common across the RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agents) and the Depositories, the CAS is dispatched by the Depositories (NSDL or CDSL) with the details of financial transactions in both mutual fund folios and depository account.
And in respect of mutual fund folios, where there is no common PAN between the RTAs and the Depositories, the CAS is sent by Mutual Funds containing only the mutual fund transactions.
3) When would you receive the consolidated account statement?
The transactions done during the current month are collated and the report is sent to your registered email by the 15th of the following month.
4) What can you find in the consolidated mutual fund statement?
All the following activities can be found on the statement page:
- Purchase of units
- Redemption of the units
- Switching of schemes
- Systematic transactions like SIP, STP, SWP, etc.
- Dividends received
- Reinvestment of dividend
- Merger of schemes
- Bonus allotments
- Broker change
5) What happens if there are no transactions in any month?
If there are no financial transactions in any month, you won’t receive a CAS for that month.
6) What happens if there are no transactions for a long time?
If your folio stays dormant for quite some time i.e. if no transactions are completed in the half-year period (either ending in September or the next half in March), the CAS is sent once in 6 months, either in October or April which is the following month, containing the details of the holdings.
However, in the case of demat accounts with zero balance and with no transactions in securities & mutual fund schemes, the investor will receive one physical statement every year. He could even opt for a digital statement, as per his convenience.
7) Will all of your portfolios be included in a single CAS?
A monthly account statement will only include those portfolios in which transactions have taken place during that month. For example, if you’ve got 3 portfolios in Reliance mutual fund scheme and only 2 of them have undergone even a single transaction, then the consolidated statement for the Reliance fund will include only those 2 portfolio transaction details and the other one will be included in respective monthly consolidated account statement as and when transaction processed or portfolio details will be included in half-yearly consolidated account statement
8) Will a minor’s portfolio be considered for consolidation?
No, a minor’s portfolios will not be considered for consolidation since different portfolios of the same minor may have different guardians in different mutual funds and it will be inappropriate to consolidate on the basis of the PAN of the guardian.
9) What other information can you find on your CAS?
Other information available on your CAS may include the following:
- Opening & closing balance,
- Email address,
- Nominee status,
- Frozen status,
- Beneficial owner status,
- KYC status,
- Folio No,
- ISIN & the Unique registration number for each folio and scheme,
- You won’t find sensitive information on the CAS like bank account number & PAN details.
10) Can you get a duplicate CAS?
You may retrieve the account statements in the electronic mode via email, provided you have registered the email ID. The duplicates won’t be available in physical form.
11) Do you get a CAS from the AMC?
If you have registered e-mail with KRA or AMC, the respective Mutual Funds send a PDF of the account statement within 5 working days after each financial transaction. If there is no common PAN between the RTAs and the Depositories, the CAS is sent by Mutual Funds containing only the mutual fund transactions on monthly basis.
You may even alter the dates/months to check the records as per your own preference. And if you haven’t registered an email with the fund houses/RTA, you may only get the consolidated account statement of the transactions in the following month.
12) What should you do if some of the portfolios are not reflected in the CAS?
If some of your portfolios are not reflected in the consolidated account statement, kindly check the following points.
First and foremost, you need to ensure that the PAN of all unitholders is updated in the folio. If not, please make sure that it gets done on a priority basis. And if the PAN’s been updated, you need to check with your respective fund house or registrar about the conflicts in the compliance.
And of course, check for the transactions based on the scheme NAV and what went through that month as the CAS only includes transactions undergone in that particular month.
13) Are there any fees associated?
There are no fees associated with the ‘e-CAS’. For the investor’s sake, KARVY, CAMS (Computer Age Management Services), FTAMIL and SBFS (Sundaram BNP Paribas Financial Services) have enabled service to get the consolidated view of your Mutual fund units through e-CAS via “mail-back” system. This pdf received via email doesn’t cost you a penny!
14) How to modify your registered email?
The procedure to change any client information such as mobile number, bank details, email IDs involves you contacting your respective depository participant/RTA where your demat account is maintained.
This can also be accomplished at the AMC level without much hassle.
15) Do you get any SMS/messages when CAS is issued?
You won’t get messages directly from the depository CDSL or NSDL but you will get a message from your AMCs on your registered mobile number. This message may include an external link of the RTA which will take you to the page where you may check your statements online.
This information may give clarity on some of your queries regarding the CAS once you’ve invested in any scheme of a mutual fund for the seamless management of your transactions.
This concludes the article on Consolidated Account Statements. We hope this article will be helpful for you to get some useful information on a consolidated account statement. For more useful articles on mutual funds, trading, investing and market knowledge, visit our Investor Education section.
(Note: This content is for information purpose only. Avoid trading and investing based on the information given above. Before investing in stocks or mutual funds, please conduct proper due diligence)
Click here to know How to Download e-CAS through CAMS Online or NSDL or CDSL?
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