Few traders might want to link additional bank accounts with their Trading and Demat accounts. One might want to link multiple bank accounts with his/her trading account for convenience, facilitate pay-ins from multiple accounts etc.
All you need to do is download the Trading / Demat Account Details Addition / Modification / Deletion Request form by visiting www.samco.in/download. Fill in this form and send it to the following address.
302 – A, 3rd Floor, Naman Midtown – A Wing, Senapati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Mumbai – 400 013, Maharashtra, India.
Note that you shall also be required to send the proof of the additional bank account being linked which could be a Bank attested bank statement/passbook or cancelled cheque with your name printed on it. Refer the article on list of documents required for trading and demat account – Point number “Valid proof for a corresponding Bank account i.e. Proof of Bank Account”.
Following is the Guide on how to fill in the Trading / Demat Account Details Addition / Modification / Deletion Request form
Fill in your SAMCO Client Code, DP Client ID and Name of Respective account holder, In case of multiple account holder / Joint account holders you are required to fill in all names of all the account holders. Tick on the two boxes below the details section to confirm and authorize SAMCO to update the respective details in your DEMAT, Trading and KYC accounts. Below is the image highlighting the above details.
PS: the DP ID is pre filled in the form and you can find your SAMCO Demat Account Client ID from the SAMCO STAR.

Carefully fill in the the Bank account details you want to add / change. In the first column i.e. Addition/Modification/Deletion Column please specify if you want to Add, Delete or Modify Bank account details, in the “Existing Details” column mention the “Existing bank account details that are linked to your trading account. then add the new bank account details in the “New Details” Column carefully. Enter the Bank account number, Bank Name and Branch, IFSC Code and MICR Code of the Bank account.
You are almost done, sign in the section highlighted in yellow, In case of multiple / joining account holders all the holders will be required to sign in the segment highlighted in yellow. Post which you need to send the form to SAMCO on the above mentioned address

The same process and form can be used to Change / Modify / Delete details linked to your Trading & Demat account like Address, Linked Demat Account etc. Corresponding proofs will have to be given along with this modification form for completing the modification process.
Watch this video to know how to link bank account details
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