SAMCO Star Back office is a one of the most advance back office which SAMCO provides to its clients. You can check all your trading and demat related information in your back office. Right from Trade book summary to Indian trading league rankings, Ledger, PNL statement, Demat Holdings, Referral etc.
To login to your SAMCO Star back office Visit

Your SAMCO Star back office password is by default your PAN. for example if your client id is DX1111 and your PAN is ABCDE1234F, your back office login Id would be DX1111 and your password would be ABCDW1234F .
To change your back office i.e. SAMCO STAR password
- Go to Account Settings (From the top right corner)
- Reset Password Menu
- Enter your old password
- Enter your new password
- Confirm new password
- Click on SUBMIT
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