One of the most-awaited festivals, Ganesh Chaturthi has arrived. The celebrations has started all around the India. This Ganesh Chaturthi we want all our valued partners celebrate these 15 days with high energy and gift something exclusive to their clients, also at the same point of time earn some handsome cash incentive.
Keeping this in mind here we are with the Ganesh Chaturthi Festive Offer:
Benefits for you:
- Refer and onboard your clients to earn ₹300* on each activated account.
- Additionally earn up to 50% commission from your clients’ brokerage and subscription-based products offered by Samco.
Benefits for your clients:
- 100% brokerage cashback for the first month
- Access to sophisticated platforms to trade & invest.
- Access to Stock, Mutual funds & StockBasket recommendations from the Samco research experts every month.
How does it work?
- Refer and onboard clients to Samco
- Introduce them to the Samco Ecosystem which includes StockNote, StockBasket, KyaTrade & RankMF.
- Encourage them to trade on the StockNote platform and enjoy your incentive.
It’s a great time to become a Samco Partner!
So, start onboarding clients today and start earning your cash incentive!
And if you haven’t completed your Samco partner registration, there is no better time than now to do so. Grab this offer by signing up to be a Samco Partner now. Become a Samco Partner Now →
Terms & Conditions:
- Clients referred and onboarded between 31st Aug 2022 to 15th Sept 2022 will be eligible for incentives calculation.
- By activated account we mean your referred client should at least place a trade on the StockNote app.
- To get activated clients can place order till 20th Sept 2022 for incentive calculation.
- Incentives payout shall be processed with Oct’2022 month payout.
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