Ace The Index with Samco’s free Option Trading account
India’s first trading & investment platform that enables you to create, track & improve your own personal Index against the stock market index.
What is options trading?

With an option, traders can purchase or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price. The trader makes a profit if the price rises in case, a trader has a buy position and if he has a sell position, a fall in price is good for them. Traders must take losses when the price moves in the opposite direction.
How to trade in options in 5 Mins*?
Fill in your personal details -
Verify your mobile number & Email id -
Verify your personal documents -
Congratulation! you have completed the account opening process

100+ best Indicator for option trading
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Standing strong since 2015
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Chhattisgarh government and CNBC Awaaz - 2019
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Open the best option trading account with Samco
Experience the new-gen fast trading app, get 100% cashback* & start acing the market index with us.