Best 52-Week Low Stocks Traded on NSE in 2024

52 week low is the term which attracts many investors, the moment any stock starts hovering around its 52 week low share price, many smart investors start looking for opportunities to buy the shares of such stocks. If any stock is fundamentally sound and there is no severe negativity about the stocks in the market then it would be a great opportunity for retail investors to buy stocks which are near 52 week low. 52 Week Low Stocks on NSE 2019 The list below highlights the stocks which are 52 week low and are traded on NSE. The list presents all other useful information about the stocks such last recorded share price,new 52 week low and more.

The list of 52 Week Low Stocks NSE 

Company Name New 52 Week Low Prev. Low Prev. Low Date Last Recorded Share Price Prev. Close Change %age Change
Aban Offshore Limited 152.6 152.7 24-May-2018 155.25 154.3 0.95 0.62
Accelya Kale Solutions Limited 1,185.00 1,190.00 24-May-2018 1,189.90 1194.2 -4.3 -0.36
Alchemist Limited 6.25 6.5 24-May-2018 6.55 6.55 0 0
Allsec Technologies Limited 298.35 306 18-Jul-2017 309 363.95 -54.95 -15.1
Antarctica Limited 0.65 0.65 22-May-2018 0.65 0.7 -0.05 -7.14
Bal Pharma Limited 69.35 69.6 24-May-2018 70 69.85 0.15 0.21
BGR Energy Systems Limited 91.1 91.1 24-May-2018 92.7 92.25 0.45 0.49
Bharati Defence and Infrastructure Limited 4 4.05 24-May-2018 4.25 4.15 0.1 2.41
Bkm Industries Limited 25.65 26.5 24-May-2018 25.9 26.55 -0.65 -2.45
Blue Blends (I) Limited 10.3 10.65 24-May-2018 10.75 10.7 0.05 0.47
Borosil Glass Works Limited 823.15 - 835.5 823.15 12.35 1.5
Chemfab Alkalis Limited 169.15 177.25 23-May-2018 172 178.05 -6.05 -3.4
Chromatic India Limited 1.4 1.4 24-May-2018 1.5 1.45 0.05 3.45
DCW Limited 26.4 26.4 24-May-2018 27.1 26.6 0.5 1.88
Deep Industries Limited 137.05 140 24-May-2018 140.65 141.35 -0.7 -0.5
Dena Bank 16.05 16.05 24-May-2018 16.35 16.15 0.2 1.24
Digjam Limited 7.4 7.55 22-May-2018 7.7 7.9 -0.2 -2.53
DQ Entertainment (International) Limited 9.8 9.85 23-May-2018 10 9.95 0.05 0.5
E-Land Apparel Limited 7.25 7.55 24-May-2018 7.3 7.6 -0.3 -3.95
Emco Limited 7.1 7.35 24-May-2018 7.1 7.45 -0.35 -4.7
Electrosteel Steels Limited 1.1 1.15 24-May-2018 1.1 1.15 -0.05 -4.35
Excel Realty N Infra Limited 11.6 12.1 24-May-2018 11.6 12.2 -0.6 -4.92
Flexituff International Limited 44.15 46.2 24-May-2018 46.9 48 -1.1 -2.29
Granules India Limited 77.8 81.25 24-May-2018 79.8 83.1 -3.3 -3.97
GTL Infrastructure Limited 1.55 1.6 24-May-2018 1.55 1.6 -0.05 -3.13
GTN Industries Limited 10.6 10.75 24-May-2018 10.6 10.8 -0.2 -1.85
GTN Textiles Limited 13 13 23-May-2018 13.85 13.95 -0.1 -0.72
Hindustan Dorr-Oliver Limited 2 2.1 24-May-2018 2.05 2.1 -0.05 -2.38
HMT Limited 25.2 26 24-May-2018 26.5 26.05 0.45 1.73
IFGL Refractories Limited 215.1 215.15 24-May-2018 219.6 217.2 2.4 1.1
Indian Metals & Ferro Alloys Limited 342.05 344 24-May-2018 349.05 349.45 -0.4 -0.11
Impex Ferro Tech Limited 0.5 0.55 24-May-2018 0.55 0.55 0 0
Indbank Merchant Banking Services Limited 13.7 14.1 24-May-2018 14.15 14.2 -0.05 -0.35
Ingersoll Rand (India) Limited 610 620 24-May-2018 613.5 626.25 -12.75 -2.04
Intense Technologies Limited 62.75 63.75 24-May-2018 65.5 63.9 1.6 2.5
ISMT Limited 5.85 5.85 24-May-2018 5.9 5.85 0.05 0.85
IVRCL Limited 1.9 1.95 24-May-2018 2 1.95 0.05 2.56
Jain Studios Limited 3.1 3.1 02-May-2018 3.1 3.15 -0.05 -1.59
Jayant Agro Organics Limited 236 240.2 24-May-2018 238.7 240.75 -2.05 -0.85
Jubilant Industries Limited 148 148 24-May-2018 148.6 149.4 -0.8 -0.54
Karur Vysya Bank Limited 93.7 93.8 24-May-2018 96.65 95.2 1.45 1.52
K.M.Sugar Mills Limited 8.9 8.9 24-May-2018 9.2 9.05 0.15 1.66
KSK Energy Ventures Limited 3.8 3.95 24-May-2018 3.8 3.95 -0.15 -3.8
Lyka Labs Limited 36.05 36.1 22-May-2018 36.9 36.35 0.55 1.51
MIC Electronics Limited 3.8 3.85 24-May-2018 4 4 0 0
Mohit Industries Limited 13.8 14.55 24-May-2018 14.9 15.05 -0.15 -1
Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited 95.7 95.9 23-May-2018 95.85 96.75 -0.9 -0.93
Onelife Capital Advisors Limited 18.4 18.7 18-May-2018 19.9 19.35 0.55 2.84
Panoramic Universal Limited 5.95 6 16-May-2018 6 6.25 -0.25 -4
Petron Engineering Construction Limited 65.05 65.05 24-May-2018 65.1 66.55 -1.45 -2.18
Pincon Spirit Limited 17.15 18.05 24-May-2018 18.95 18.05 0.9 4.99
PNB Gilts Limited 32.6 32.6 22-May-2018 32.8 32.9 -0.1 -0.3
Pradip Overseas Limited 1.35 1.35 23-May-2018 1.35 1.4 -0.05 -3.57
Pratibha Industries Limited 3.75 3.75 22-May-2018 3.85 3.8 0.05 1.32
Premier Explosives Limited 297 301 24-May-2018 299.8 303.85 -4.05 -1.33
Premier Limited 14.7 15 24-May-2018 14.8 15.25 -0.45 -2.95
Reliance Nippon Life Asset Management Limited 220.55 224 24-May-2018 221.8 224.4 -2.6 -1.16
Rossell India Limited 86.65 86.65 05-Feb-2018 88 90.25 -2.25 -2.49
RSWM Limited 273 273.5 14-May-2018 277 275.3 1.7 0.62
Sharon Bio-Medicine Limited 4.4 4.4 23-May-2018 4.4 4.55 -0.15 -3.3
Shilpi Cable Technologies Limited 5.9 6 24-May-2018 6.05 6.2 -0.15 -2.42
Standard Industries Limited 18.5 18.5 24-May-2018 18.5 18.6 -0.1 -0.54
Surana Corporation Limited 1 1 24-May-2018 1 1.05 -0.05 -4.76
Surana Industries Limited 1.6 1.65 24-May-2018 1.6 1.65 -0.05 -3.03
Tantia Constructions Limited 7.7 8.1 24-May-2018 7.7 8.1 -0.4 -4.94
TCPL Packaging Limited 522 523 24-May-2018 539.95 525.15 14.8 2.82
TD Power Systems Limited 149.05 157.7 24-May-2018 158 158.5 -0.5 -0.32
Texmo Pipes and Products Limited 18 18.1 22-May-2018 18.65 18.65 0 0
Tulsi Extrusions Limited 1.35 1.35 24-May-2018 1.35 1.4 -0.05 -3.57
UFLEX Limited 265 268.45 24-May-2018 267 270 -3 -1.11
Vakrangee Limited 39.95 42.05 24-May-2018 39.95 42.05 -2.1 -4.99
Viji Finance Limited 3.05 3.2 24-May-2018 3.05 3.2 -0.15 -4.69
Visa Steel Limited 9.7 9.75 24-May-2018 9.85 10 -0.15 -1.5
VA Tech Wabag Limited 442.1 447 24-May-2018 452.75 447.65 5.1 1.14
Zicom Electronic Security Systems Limited 13.5 13.5 24-May-2018 14.5 13.6 0.9 6.62
You can read more on blue chip stocks trading at near 52 week low and can find more useful articles on trading, investing and market knowledge, visit our Knowledge Center section. (Note: The above list is for information purpose only. Avoid trading and investing based on the information given above. Before investing in stocks or mutual funds conduct proper due diligence)

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