HDFC Bank : Find Full Form, Profile, Latest Revenue and Financials Details

Company profile is the section where you can have a brief description about well established and finally sound blue chip companies that are listed in the Indian Stock Exchanges. This section will provide a keen overview about the company in terms of its origin, founders, latest financial reports and much more. We will try to make this article as informative as possible so that virtually this page becomes the HDFC Wiki for a stock market beginner. hdfc full form This week we would be exploring HDFC Bank who is one of the highly reputed and India’s largest private sector lender by assets in the banking and financial sector of an Indian economy. Companies Origin & Profile: Brief Company Profile: HDFC Bank alias Housing Development Finance Corporation is India’s largest private sector lender by assets. The bank was incorporated on 30th August 1994 with its registered office in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank was the first amongst to receive an ‘in principle’ approval from RBI (Reserve Bank of India) to set up the bank in private sector, a part of RBI’s liberalization of Indian Banking sector in 1994. HDFC Bank commenced operations as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in January 1995. It has around 88,253 permanents employees and has an overseas presence in Dubai, Hong Kong and Bahrain. Inception & Founders: HDFC Bank was founded in 1994 and is headed by Aditya Puri, he has managed this position since September 1994 making him the longest-serving head of any private sector bank in India. Chairman & Directors: Shyamala Gopinath is the chairman & Aditya Puri is the CEO & MD of HDFC Bank. Customer Segment & Area of Operations: HDFC Bank is the banking leader that has a wide and diversified customer segments across India and overseas, mainly its customer segments includes Individuals, Large Corporates and Financial Institutions among others. The detailed products and customer segments are defined below: [caption id="attachment_3767" align="aligncenter" width="620"]HDFC Product Offering HDFC Product Offering[/caption] Confidence Booster for Investors: The following pointers will uplift the confidence of any stock market analyst. As this highlight the favourable business outcomes for HDFC Bank.
  • The bank has been maintaining a healthy dividend payout of 19.39%.
  • The HDFC has generated a good ROCE at 66.30%.
  • A Wide range of products to meet various customer needs.
Quick Financial Information(Last Updated on 02/08/2018): Following table highlights Key ratios and financial variables which will help investors a lot.
Particulars Info
Book Value: 419.54
Market Cap: 570,599 Cr.
ROE: 17.87 %
ROCE: 66.30 %
Current Price: 2,158
Stock P/E: 31.36
Sales Growth (3Yrs): 18.30 %
52 weeks High / Low 2219.05 / 1685.00
Dividend Yield: 0.59 %
Face Value: 2
P/B: 4.85
PEG Ratio 0.95
Price to book value 5.839
EPS 67.38
Return of Equity(3Yrs) 18.00%
Shareholding Pattern: The table below highlights the approximate shareholding pattern of HDFC Bank.
authorized share capital Rs. 650 crore.
paid-up share capital Rs 520,83,15,734 /-(260,41,57,867 equity shares)
HDFC Group 20.86 %
ADS / GDR Depositories (in respect of the bank's American Depository Shares (ADS) and Global Depository Receipts (GDR) Issues) 18.16 %
FII's 33.44 %
shareholders. 5,48,942
Peer Comparison: The table below highlights the Top 7 companies in the same business, therefore, giving the easy benchmark for comparing HDFC Bank with other 6 companies in the same business.
S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE %
1 HDFC Bank 2158.7 31.36 570599.39 0.59 4601.44 18.17 22548.98 20.78 66.3
2 Kotak Mah. Bank 1312.7 39.99 250242.95 0.05 1574.48 57.39 6903.37 16.31 29.69
3 ICICI Bank 299.3 41.77 192522.56 0.76 -119.55 -105.83 14722.36 9.39 23.94
4 Yes Bank 365.85 18.67 84377.46 0.74 1260.36 30.54 6578.04 41.35 53.42
5 IndusInd Bank 2001.35 31.58 120178.31 0.37 1035.72 23.81 5068.15 22.55 54.47
6 Bandhan Bank 706.95 56.19 84325.35 0.14 481.71 47.51 1556.17 34.92 52.88
7 Indian Bank 353.3 13.48 16968.7 1.7 131.98 -58.72 4463.89 11.14 53.53
Annual & Quarterly Results: Below is the Quarterly Results of HDFC Bank
Particulars Jun-18 Mar-18 Dec-17 Sep-17 Jun-17 Mar-17
Sales 22,548 21,321 20,581 19,670 18,668 18,114
Expenses 7,613 7,591 7,083 7,016 6,926 6,483
Operating Profit 14,935 13,729 13,497 12,654 11,742 11,630
OPM % 66.24% 64.39% 65.58% 64.33% 62.90% 64.21%
Other Income 3,818 4,228 3,869 3,605 3,516 3,446
Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest 11,735 10,663 10,266 9,918 9,297 9,059
Profit before tax 7,018 7,294 7,099 6,341 5,961 6,017
Tax 2,416 2,495 2,457 2,190 2,067 2,027
Net Profit 4,601 4,799 4,642 4,151 3,893 3,990
Annual Results of HDFC Bank.
Mar-18 Mar-17 Mar-16 Mar-15 Mar-14 Mar-13
Sales 80,241 69,305 60,221 48,469 41,135 35,064
Expenses 27,711 22,463 18,999 15,407 12,958 12,261
Operating Profit 52,529 46,842 41,221 33,062 28,176 22,803
OPM % 65.46% 67.59% 68.45% 68.21% 68.50% 65.03%
Other Income 15,220 12,296 10,751 8,996 7,919 6,852
Interest 40,146 36,166 32,629 26,074 22,652 19,253
Depreciation 906 833 705 656 671 651
Profit before tax 26,697 22,139 18,637 15,328 12,772 9,750
Tax 9,210 7,589 6,341 5,112 4,293 3,024
Net Profit 17,486 14,549 12,296 10,215 8,478 6,726
Cash Flow statement: Readers will find the cash flow statements of HDFC Bank of past 6 years.
Mar-18 Mar-17 Mar-16 Mar-15 Mar-14 Mar-13
Cash from Operating Activity 26,074 23,585 -30,132 -15,862 8,363 -1,868
Cash from Investing Activity -522 -1,984 -627 -1,933 -1,623 -854
Cash from Financing Activity 48,411 -11,567 33,347 14,543 5,562 9,065
Net Cash Flow 73,962 10,033 2,587 -3,252 12,303 6,342
Balance Sheet: The below table highlights the balance sheet position for the past 6 years.
Mar-18 Mar-17 Mar-16 Mar-15 Mar-14 Mar-13
Share Capital 519 512 505 501 479 475
Reserves 1,05,775 88,949 72,172 61,508 42,998 35,738
Borrowings 9,11,875 7,17,668 6,31,393 4,96,009 4,06,776 3,29,253
Other Liabilities 45,817 56,830 36,818 32,557 41,402 34,922
Total Liabilities 10,63,988 8,63,961 7,40,889 5,90,576 4,91,658 4,00,389
Fixed Assets 3,607 3,626 3,343 3,121 2,939 2,703
CWIP 0 0 0 0 0 0
Investments 2,42,200 2,14,463 1,95,836 1,51,641 1,20,951 1,11,613
Other Assets 8,18,180 6,45,871 5,41,710 4,35,812 3,67,767 2,86,073
Total Assets 10,63,988 8,63,961 7,40,889 5,90,576 4,91,658 4,00,389
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