Joe Biden Presidency and the Indian Stock Markets
Abraham Lincoln rightly said, ’The ballot is stronger than the bullet’ and with 66.4% voter turnout, the American public has sealed the fate of the oval office. Joe Biden, with 290 Electoral College votes has defeated Donald Trump, who could amass only 232 votes.
Despite a clear win, the 2020 US election was nothing short of a K-drama with Donald Trump claiming a rigged election with fake votes and biased vote counting etc. He even filed lawsuits in key states won by Joe Biden, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada, to further his claim of a rigged US election 2020.
With the US courts rejecting his claims, he resorted to a final showdown as he refused to vacate the White House – Desperate times call for desperate actions!
But after days of denial and endless golf sessions, Donald Trump on Sunday accepted his defeat as he tweeted “He (Biden) only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA. I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go. This was a RIGGED ELECTION!”.
While Donald Trump refused to accept his defeat post the official verdict, world leaders were already on their social media handles, welcoming the 46th president of the United States of America, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
Our own, Narendra Modi, led the congratulatory army on twitter by tweeting, “Congratulations Joe Biden on your spectacular victory! As the VP, your contribution to strengthening Indo-US relations was critical and invaluable. I look forward to working closely together once again to take India-US relations to greater heights”.
Joe Biden, during his stint as a Vice president to Barack Obama, had advocated for strong US-India relations. Under his presidency, India’s relationship with the biggest world power and economy, the USA, is set to flourish.
The US election is important for India not just economically but also strategically. Let us have a look at the positive and negative impact of Joe Biden’s victory on the Indian stock markets.
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