Sensex (also known as the S&P BSE SENSEX) is the index which broadly represents BSE and the market sentiment. The base year is 1978-1979 with a base value of 100. There have been many modification to sensex index since inception. Find below the latest list of companies used to calculate sensex or sensex 30 or BSE 30 or simply the SENSEX along with information like Industry of the company, Company’s rating and Investment Grade.
As of April 2021, SENSEX constitutes 30 companies.
To track the BSE Sensex Live today – Download the Samco App – India’s top rated and fastest trading and news app.
One of the best ways to get exposure to the Sensex is by buying an Index Fund:
Here are the top Index Funds tracking the Sensex:
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(Note: The above list is for information purpose only. Avoid trading and investing based on the information given above. Before investing in stocks do due diligence)
The author has over 9 years+ experience in media, traditional and digital marketing. Chirag currently leads the Marketing function at Samco Group and overlook all marketing and communications for the Samco Group.
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