Sensex 30 Companies

Sensex (also known as the S&P BSE SENSEX) is the index which broadly represents BSE and the market sentiment. The base year is 1978-1979 with a base value of 100. There have been many modification to sensex index since inception. Find below the latest list of companies used to calculate sensex or sensex 30 or BSE 30 or simply the SENSEX along with information like Industry of the company, Company’s rating and Investment Grade. As of April 2021, SENSEX constitutes 30 companies.
BSE Scrip Code Company Full Name Company ISIN Industry Rating (SAMCO Research) Investment Grade
500209 INFOSYS LTD. INE009A01021 IT Consulting & Software 4.5 Above Average
532540 TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICES LTD. INE467B01029 IT Consulting & Software 5 Above Average
500325 RELIANCE INDUSTRIES LTD. INE002A01018 Integrated Oil & Gas 3 Average
532174 ICICI BANK LTD. INE090A01021 Banks 4 Above Average
500180 HDFC BANK LTD. INE040A01034 Banks 4.5 Above Average
532281 HCL TECHNOLOGIES LTD. INE860A01027 IT Consulting & Software 5 Above Average
532454 BHARTI AIRTEL LTD. INE397D01024 Telecom Services 0.5 Below Average
532187 INDUSIND BANK LTD. INE095A01012 Banks 4 Above Average
500112 STATE BANK OF INDIA INE062A01020 Banks 1 Below Average
500510 LARSEN & TOUBRO LTD. INE018A01030 Construction & Engineering 0.5 Below Average
532755 TECH MAHINDRA LTD. INE669C01036 IT Consulting & Software 4.5 Above Average
532215 AXIS BANK LTD. INE238A01034 Banks 4 Above Average
500875 ITC LTD. INE154A01025 Cigarettes -Tobacco Products 5 Above Average
532977 BAJAJ AUTO LTD. INE917I01010 2/3 Wheelers 4.5 Above Average
500312 OIL AND NATURAL GAS CORPORATION LTD. INE213A01029 Exploration & Production 4 Above Average
500470 TATA STEEL LTD. INE081A01012 Iron & Steel/Interm Products 0.5 Below Average
532555 NTPC LTD. INE733E01010 Electric Utilities 0.5 Below Average
500520 MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA LTD. INE101A01026 Cars & Utility Vehicles 0.5 Below Average
500820 ASIAN PAINTS LTD. INE021A01026 Furniture-Furnishing-Paints 4.5 Above Average
532898 POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD. INE752E01010 Electric Utilities 0.5 Below Average
532978 BAJAJ FINSERV LTD. INE918I01018 Holding Companies 5 Above Average
500114 TITAN COMPANY LTD. INE280A01028 Other Apparels & Accessories 1 Below Average
500790 NESTLE INDIA LTD. INE239A01016 Packaged Foods 5 Above Average
532538 ULTRATECH CEMENT LTD. INE481G01011 Cement & Cement Products 1 Below Average
524715 SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES LTD. INE044A01036 Pharmaceuticals 1 Below Average
500034 BAJAJ FINANCE LTD.  INE296A01024 Finance (including NBFCs) 5 Above Average
532500 MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LTD. INE585B01010 Cars & Utility Vehicles 3 Average
500010 HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORP. LTD. INE001A01036 Housing Finance 5 Above Average
500696 HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LTD. INE030A01027 Personal Products 5 Above Average
500247 KOTAK MAHINDRA BANK LTD. INE237A01028 Banks 4 Above Average
Approximate weightage of companies in the Sensex 30 as of April 2021
BSE Scrip Code Company Weightage in Sensex (%)
500325 RELIANCE 11.99
500180 HDFCBANK 11.84
500209 INFY 9.06
500010 HDFC 8.30
532174 ICICIBANK 7.37
532540 TCS 5.76
500247 KOTAKBANK 4.88
500696 HINDUNILVR 3.75
500875 ITC 3.49
532215 AXISBANK 3.35
500510 LT 3.13
500034 BAJFINANCE 2.63
500112 SBIN 2.59
532454 BHARTIARTL 2.31
500820 ASIANPAINT 1.97
532281 HCLTECH 1.89
532500 MARUTI 1.72
500520 M&M 1.48
532538 ULTRACEMCO 1.40
524715 SUNPHARMA 1.16
500114 TITAN 1.11
532755 TECHM 1.11
500790 NESTLEIND 1.07
532978 BAJAJFINSV 1.04
532898 POWERGRID 1.03
532187 INDUSINDBK 1.03
500470 TATASTEEL 1.01
532555 NTPC 0.94
532977 BAJAJ-AUTO 0.86
500312 ONGC 0.73
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