What are NSE Market Timings?

Equities are traded on the stock market on a daily basis. Number of traders and investors take decisions on buy or sell and carry out such activities on the NSE and BSE. Except Saturdays and Sundays, and exchange holidays declared by the exchange in advance, the stock market is open for all other days to trade on the equities and derivatives segment. Check out the exchanges holiday calendar on the SAMCO website. The market timings for the Equities and Equity Derivatives Markets are as follows:

  • Pre-opening session

Order entry & modification Open : 9:00hrs Order entry and modification Close : 9:08hrs ( With random closure in the last 1 min, Pre-opening order matching starts immediately after the closing of the pre-opening order entry)

  • Regular trading session

Normal market opening : 09:15hrs Normal market closing : 15:30hrs (Block deal session is held between 09:15hrs and 09:50 hrs) The post closing session of the market is held between 15:40 hrs and 16:00 hrs for the Equities Segment alone. The market timings for the Currency Derivatives markets are as follows:

  • Regular trading session

Normal market opening : 09:00 hrs Normal market closing : 17:00 hrs For full details on the NSE Trading calendar, refer this link on the NSE Website.

What are NSE Market Timings

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