Live Option Greeks & IV

Advanced Options Chain

Advanced Options Chain

Access the most advanced options chain integrated with Option Greeks like Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega and live IV at zero cost, giving an additional edge to the options traders. This integrated options chain worth Rs. 2000 pm is available free of cost to all the Samco clients.

  • Integrated with live option greeks like Delta, Gamma, Theta & Vega
  • Integrated with live Implied Volatility metric and chart
  • Real time tracking worth Rs. 2000 pm at your finger tips for free
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Real time Options Greeks

Real time Options Greeks

Access the most advanced options chain integrated with Option Greeks like Delta, Gamma, Theta and Vega giving you an additional edge to trade better in options. This integrated options chain worth Rs. 2000 pm is available free of cost to all the Samco clients.

  • Delta - Positive delta indicates if the underlying moves up, the price of the option will also move up and vice versa.
  • Gamma - When gamma is high, it means that options delta is changing rapidly with even small fluctuations in the underlying asset
  • Theta - Theta is referred to as the time decay, it is used to quantify the impact of time on the value of an option contract
  • Vega - Vega reflects the change of an option's price to change in IV of the underlying.
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Real time IV Charts

Real time IV Charts

Get integrated IV value in the options chain and also get the IV chart for the option contract for multiple time intervals. Not only this also get Implied Volatility Percentile and Rank integrated in the same chart.

  • IV represents the collective expectations of the market participants regarding the future price volatility for an underlying asset.
  • Gauge the market expectations about potential price swings
  • Use IV data to more informed decisions like whether to buy or sell call options
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Become a better trader using Live Option Greeks & IV

Learn from the Product Head on how to make the best use of the feature

Option Greeks & IV Charts on Samco Trading App
Option Greeks Explained
The New-Gen Samco Trading App - Peer Comparison - Compare your Personal Index Performance
The New-Gen Samco Trading App - Peer Comparison - Compare your Personal Index Performance

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