MTF - Margin Against Shares

Zero cash balance

Zero cash balance

Pledge your shares holding and mutual funds holding for intraday and positional trading in the equity derivatives and currency derivatives segment. you can use your Samco account virtually as a Zero Balance Trading Account.

  • Initiate trades in options too with margin against shares (both long and short options – intraday and positional basis)
  • No need to maintain 50-50 cash collateral ratios while initiating trades
  • You can sell your pledged holdings in real-time by placing a real-time sale request. You don’t need to un-pledge holdings the previous day to sell them.
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Zero cash collateral

Zero cash collateral

You need not have cash in their Trading Account to meet the Exchange SPAN & Exposure Margins. Stocks pledged under the Margin Against Shares facility can be used for Margins.

  • Get interest rebate on ledger debits to the extent of collateral value or 50% of exchange margins, whichever is lower.
  • Interest rate of 0.05% per day on the borrowed funds
  • Illustration: Say you wish to go long 1 Lot of NIFTY, & the margin required to initiate the position with the NRML Product type is Rs.48,000. Currently you would need to have to the entire Rs.48,000 in your Samco Trading Account as a cash balance. With MTF, even if your Samco Trading Account balance is NIL, you can initiate this position if the value of your pledged shares exceeds Rs.48,000.
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Lowest interest rate

Lowest interest rate

The Margin Against Shares product is effectively free for all Samco customers! You only need to pay a lifetime subscription fee of Re. 1 and get it activated from Samco Star Back Office

  • Additionally, there is a charge of Rs.30 plus GST to pledge or unpledge shares regardless of the number of shares pledged or unpledged.
  • In case clients wish to place instant sale requests for unpledged stocks, they would be charged Rs. 60 plus GST for each request.
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Become a better trader using Margin Against Shares

Learn from the Product Head on how to make the best use of the feature

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Understand Personal Index Out performance & Under performance in detail

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