Personal portfolio rate of return vs Optimizing win rate
In today’s highly competitive investment environment, investors are often too focused on achieving a 100% win rate.
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Our mission is to help every stock market participant to consistently Ace the Index and achieve their best financial performance. Mission: Ace the Index is a nationwide initiative with the aim of empowering investors & traders to enhance their investment performance and outperform benchmark returns. The mission is designed to provide participants with the tools, resources, and knowledge they need to succeed in the complex and ever-changing world of investing.
As a participant in the Mission Ace The Index, I pledge to prioritize my investment performance and commit to taking the necessary steps to achieve my goals. I recognize that outperforming the benchmarks requires a comprehensive understanding of the markets, as well as discipline and diligence in managing my portfolio.
Strive to outperform the relevant benchmarks by researching and analysing investment opportunities, managing my portfolio actively, and adapting my strategies to changing market conditions.
If I am unable or unwilling to manage my portfolio actively, I pledge to outsource my funds to a professional fund manager who has a proven track record of delivering superior returns.
Invest in an Index ETF that tracks the relevant benchmark to ensure that I am aligned with the market's overall performance and can benefit from its growth.
I understand that by taking this pledge, I am committing to taking an active role in my investments and working towards achieving my financial goals. I am willing to put in the effort required to stay informed, make informed decisions, and stay on track towards outperforming the benchmarks.
Investors and traders wanting a reasonable return can always put their money in a Index ETF or give their money to a good mutual fund manager. These options are simply available at the click of a button. But if investors and traders are taking the route of investing for themselves, they must realize that they are Fund managers of their own money and they must consistently ACE the Index otherwise what's the point of of it at all?
And achieving consistent outperformance is going to require work. You will be required to walk the extra mile. The greatest challenge is consistently showing up and staying the course. And the Ace-Outsource-Index pledge will work as a consistent reminder of the end goal.
Have you taken the pledge already? If not, go ahead and Take a Pledge that you will ACE THE INDEX!
If you have taken the pledge to ACE the Index, it's important to track your progress. In Business, "what gets measured, gets managed". And for most investors they don't even measure something as basic as their personal rate of returns over multiple periods. This happens because people probably don't know how to or they think it's completely unnecessary.
As the first step of staying on course and honoring your pledge, it's important to setup your own index that can measure your personal rate of return and help you compare that with the Indices and also other fund managers.
Do you know your true stock market performance? Your exact returns last week, last month, last quarter?
If not,