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MTF Leverage Calculator

S/no Stock CMP Leverage Margin% Action
1 360ONE 971.4 2x 50
2 3IINFOLTD 21.98 1.11x 90
3 3MINDIA 27891.9 2x 50
4 5PAISA 373.6 1.25x 80
5 AARTIDRUGS 353.1 2x 50
6 AARTIIND 395.5 2x 50
7 AARTIPHARM 746 1.43x 70
8 AARTISURF 402.5 1.18x 85
9 AAVAS 2087.2 1.67x 60
10 ABB 5540.35 2x 50
11 ABBOTINDIA 30569.15 2x 50
12 ABCAPITAL 185.21 1.67x 60
13 ABFRL 256.27 2x 50
14 ABREL 1879.35 1.54x 65
15 ABSLAMC 643.65 1.25x 80
16 ABSLLIQUID 1000 2x 50
17 ACC 1964.1 2.86x 35
18 ACCELYA 1285.85 3.33x 30
19 ACE 1259 1.25x 80
20 ACI 523.55 1.25x 80
21 ACLGATI 54.96 1.18x 85
22 ADANIENSOL 872.85 1.18x 85
23 ADANIENT 2363.35 N/A 100
24 ADANIGREEN 959.9 1.11x 90
25 ADANIPORTS 1196.75 1.67x 60
26 ADANIPOWER 519.9 1.11x 90
27 ADFFOODS 236.78 2x 50
28 AEGISLOG 902.6 2.5x 40
29 AEROFLEX 174.87 1.18x 85
30 AETHER 834.85 1.43x 70
31 AFFLE 1655.7 1.54x 65
32 AGROPHOS 28.17 1.18x 85
33 AHL 176.4 1.18x 85
34 AIAENG 3356.3 2x 50
35 AJANTPHARM 2629.55 1.67x 60
36 AKZOINDIA 3717.45 2x 50
37 ALEMBICLTD 102.06 2x 50
38 ALIVUS 1061.65 1.18x 85
39 ALKEM 4960.15 2x 50
40 ALKYLAMINE 1673.55 2x 50
41 ALLCARGO 29.66 1.67x 60
42 AMBER 7131.3 1.43x 70
43 AMBUJACEM 542.8 2.86x 35
44 AMIORG 2398.3 1.25x 80
45 AMRUTANJAN 631.8 1.67x 60
46 ANANDRATHI 1871.8 1.25x 80
47 ANANTRAJ 509.85 1.54x 65
48 ANDHRAPAP 71.27 1.25x 80
49 ANDHRSUGAR 68.11 1.25x 80
50 ANGELONE 2318.25 3.33x 30
51 ANUP 3546.6 1.43x 70
52 ANURAS 747.5 1.25x 80
53 APARINDS 5707.8 1.25x 80
54 APCOTEXIND 321.2 1.18x 85
55 APEX 213.02 2x 50
56 APLLTD 931.25 2x 50
57 APOLLOHOSP 6492.05 2.22x 45
58 APOLLOPIPE 363.55 1.67x 60
59 APOLLOTYRE 428 2x 50
60 APTECHT 122.88 1.25x 80
61 APTUS 298.85 1.25x 80
62 ARE&M 1023.35 2.5x 40
63 ARIHANTCAP 68.63 1.18x 85
64 ARVIND 323.35 1.67x 60
65 ARVINDFASN 385.8 2x 50
66 ASAHIINDIA 602.15 1.25x 80
67 ASHIANA 303.3 1.18x 85
68 ASHOKA 201.26 2.5x 40
69 ASHOKLEY 208.52 1.67x 60
70 ASIANPAINT 2338.1 2.5x 40
71 ASIANTILES 43.6 1.43x 70
72 ASKAUTOLTD 440.75 1.18x 85
73 ASTEC 690.25 2x 50
74 ASTERDM 453.35 2.5x 40
75 ASTRAL 1294.55 2x 50
76 ASTRAMICRO 673.1 1.25x 80
77 ASTRAZEN 8494.65 1.67x 60
78 ATUL 5797.9 2x 50
79 AUBANK 554.4 2.5x 40
80 AUROPHARMA 1164.25 1.54x 65
81 AUTOAXLES 1642.75 1.67x 60
82 AUTOBEES 219.08 2x 50
83 AVADHSUGAR 451.75 1.25x 80
84 AVALON 755.3 1.25x 80
85 AVANTIFEED 904.4 2.5x 40
86 AWHCL 523.95 1.43x 70
87 AWL 255.99 2x 50
88 AWL 255.99 2x 50
89 AXISBANK 1098.35 1.82x 55
90 AXISBNKETF 527.76 2x 50
91 AXISBPSETF 12.38 2x 50
92 AXISGOLD 74.28 1.11x 90
93 BAJAJ-AUTO 7974.3 2.86x 35
94 BAJAJCON 158.85 2x 50
95 BAJAJELEC 548.25 1.43x 70
96 BAJAJFINSV 2005.75 2x 50
97 BAJAJHCARE 708.45 1.11x 90
98 BAJAJHIND 20.2 1.25x 80
99 BAJAJHLDNG 12462.55 2.5x 40
100 BAJFINANCE 9003.85 2x 50
101 BALAMINES 1243.15 2x 50
102 BALKRISIND 2550.25 2.22x 45
103 BALMLAWRIE 184.43 2.5x 40
104 BALRAMCHIN 535.7 2x 50
105 BANDHANBNK 148.02 1.67x 60
106 BANKBARODA 230.98 1.54x 65
107 BANKBEES 528.68 2.5x 40
108 BANKINDIA 107.8 2x 50
109 BANKNIFTY1 532.08 2.5x 40
110 BARBEQUE 271.75 1.11x 90
111 BASF 4461.55 1.11x 90
112 BATAINDIA 1202.05 1.54x 65
113 BAYERCROP 4708.3 2x 50
114 BBL 2986.55 1.18x 85
115 BBTC 1771.25 2x 50
116 BCLIND 36.1 1.18x 85
117 BDL 1281.65 2.5x 40
118 BECTORFOOD 1469.05 1.43x 70
119 BEL 300.65 2.22x 45
120 BEML 3140.4 1.67x 60
121 BERGEPAINT 501.75 2.5x 40
122 BFUTILITIE 765.35 1.82x 55
123 BHARATFORG 1159.15 2.22x 45
124 BHARATGEAR 65.72 1.18x 85
125 BHARATRAS 10630.75 1.43x 70
126 BHARATWIRE 180.84 1.11x 90
127 BHARTIARTL 1724.7 2.22x 45
128 BHEL 213.98 1.43x 70
129 BIKAJI 657.05 1.43x 70
130 BIOCON 345.55 2x 50
131 BIRLACABLE 137.83 1.18x 85
132 BIRLACORPN 1077.7 1.67x 60
133 BLISSGVS 119.01 1.43x 70
134 BLKASHYAP 49.52 1.18x 85
135 BLS 398.7 1.18x 85
136 BLUESTARCO 2192.15 1.43x 70
137 BODALCHEM 59.69 1.67x 60
138 BOMDYEING 132.97 1.82x 55
139 BOROLTD 333.2 1.18x 85
140 BORORENEW 492.1 1.25x 80
141 BOSCHLTD 28355.5 2.5x 40
142 BPCL 276.06 1.67x 60
143 BRIGADE 993.4 2.5x 40
144 BRITANNIA 4841.2 2.5x 40
145 BSE 4684.35 2x 50
146 BSOFT 395.9 1.67x 60
147 CAMLINFINE 171.86 1.25x 80
148 CAMPUS 227.75 1.43x 70
149 CAMS 3687.9 1.82x 55
150 CANBK 89.65 1.43x 70
151 CANFINHOME 666.9 1.33x 75
152 CAPACITE 359.2 1.54x 65
153 CAPLIPOINT 2010.1 2x 50
154 CARBORUNIV 963.7 2x 50
155 CARERATING 1098.5 1.67x 60
156 CARTRADE 1680.95 1.18x 85
157 CARYSIL 659.5 1.18x 85
158 CASTROLIND 208.97 2x 50
159 CCL 560.55 2.5x 40
160 CDSL 1187.7 1.25x 80
161 CEATLTD 2839.5 1.67x 60
162 CELLO 562.9 1.18x 85
163 CENTENKA 554.3 1.11x 90
164 CENTRALBK 43.96 2x 50
165 CENTRUM 23.05 1.18x 85
166 CENTUM 1593.85 1.18x 85
167 CENTURYPLY 695.8 2x 50
168 CERA 5724.9 1.67x 60
169 CESC 152.88 2x 50
170 CGCL 164.9 1.18x 85
171 CGPOWER 637.15 1.43x 70
172 CHALET 839.6 1.25x 80
173 CHAMBLFERT 619.35 1.43x 70
174 CHEMCON 167.95 2.5x 40
175 CHEMPLASTS 434.9 1.25x 80
176 CHENNPETRO 626.15 1.33x 75
177 CHOICEIN 487.5 1.18x 85
178 CHOLAFIN 1531.7 1.67x 60
179 CHOLAHLDNG 1721.6 1.11x 90
180 CIEINDIA 405.15 2.5x 40
181 CIGNITITEC 1469.25 1.18x 85
182 CIPLA 1482.9 2.86x 35
183 CLEAN 1194.85 1.43x 70
184 CMSINFO 459.85 1.25x 80
185 COALINDIA 396.85 2.86x 35
186 COCHINSHIP 1424.95 1.67x 60
187 COFORGE 8107.6 1.54x 65
188 COLPAL 2394.3 2.86x 35
189 CONCOR 700.45 2x 50
190 CONCORDBIO 1720.6 1.18x 85
191 CONFIPET 47.8 1.25x 80
192 CONTROLPR 634.4 1.18x 85
193 COROMANDEL 1970.45 2x 50
194 COSMOFIRST 632.9 2.5x 40
195 CPSEETF 87.27 3.33x 30
196 CRAFTSMAN 4794.6 1.18x 85
197 CREDITACC 985.65 1.18x 85
198 CRISIL 4165.8 2x 50
199 CROMPTON 354.75 1.67x 60
200 CSBBANK 296.55 2.5x 40
201 CUB 154.07 2x 50
202 CUMMINSIND 3004.35 2x 50
203 CYIENT 1280.75 2x 50
204 CYIENTDLM 445.95 1.18x 85
205 DABUR 512.85 2.86x 35
206 DALBHARAT 1813.55 2.5x 40
207 DALMIASUG 358.15 1.67x 60
208 DATAMATICS 647.65 1.43x 70
209 DATAPATTNS 1688.25 1.43x 70
210 DBCORP 236.32 1.43x 70
211 DBL 477.65 2.5x 40
212 DBOL 67.43 1.25x 80
213 DBREALTY 154.44 1.18x 85
214 DCAL 224.26 1.18x 85
215 DCBBANK 114.5 1.82x 55
216 DCMSHRIRAM 1103.85 2.5x 40
217 DCW 78.96 1.25x 80
218 DEEPAKFERT 1140.8 1.67x 60
219 DEEPAKNTR 1991.15 1.82x 55
220 DEEPINDS 498.1 1.18x 85
221 DELHIVERY 252.92 1.43x 70
222 DELTACORP 85.38 2x 50
223 DEN 31.81 1.25x 80
224 DEVYANI 149.85 1.54x 65
225 DHAMPURSUG 119.71 2x 50
226 DHANI 58.21 1.18x 85
227 DHANUKA 1293.75 2.5x 40
228 DISHTV 5.83 1.18x 85
229 DIVISLAB 5872.65 2x 50
230 DIXON 13510.8 1.67x 60
231 DLF 688.5 2x 50
232 DLINKINDIA 418.45 1.25x 80
233 DMART 4065 2.5x 40
234 DODLA 1132.1 1.25x 80
235 DOLLAR 383.7 1.18x 85
236 DPSCLTD 11.46 1.18x 85
237 DREAMFOLKS 224.7 1.43x 70
238 DRREDDY 1162.2 2.5x 40
239 DWARKESH 38.45 1.11x 90
240 DYNAMATECH 6209.6 1.18x 85
241 EASEMYTRIP 12.22 1.54x 65
242 EBBETF0425 1287.68 3.33x 30
243 EBBETF0430 1469.47 3.33x 30
244 EBBETF0431 1314.44 3.33x 30
245 ECLERX 2763.15 2x 50
246 EICHERMOT 5345.75 2.5x 40
247 EIDPARRY 789.2 1.67x 60
248 EIHOTEL 363.8 2.5x 40
249 EKC 121.36 1.18x 85
250 ELECTCAST 100.71 1.11x 90
251 ELGIEQUIP 489.75 1.18x 85
252 EMAMILTD 577.3 2x 50
253 EMBDL 116.14 1.67x 60
254 EMUDHRA 853.05 1.25x 80
255 ENDURANCE 1972.4 2x 50
256 ENGINERSIN 157.83 2x 50
257 EPIGRAL 1910.35 1.18x 85
258 EPL 209.45 1.11x 90
259 EQUITASBNK 56.07 3.33x 30
260 ERIS 1405.45 1.67x 60
261 ESABINDIA 4529.3 1.43x 70
262 ESCORTS 3254.2 1.43x 70
263 ETHOSLTD 2448.05 1.11x 90
264 EVEREADY 296.9 1.11x 90
265 EXCELINDUS 966.85 2.5x 40
266 EXIDEIND 360.05 2.5x 40
267 FACT 648.25 1.11x 90
268 FAIRCHEMOR 862.05 1.18x 85
269 FCL 239.05 1.11x 90
270 FDC 394.9 2x 50
271 FEDERALBNK 197.58 2x 50
272 FEDFINA 84.27 1.18x 85
273 FIEMIND 1429.7 1.18x 85
274 FILATEX 37.42 1.18x 85
275 FINCABLES 894.85 2x 50
276 FINEORG 4041.8 1.67x 60
277 FINOPB 225.76 1.18x 85
278 FINPIPE 180.07 1.67x 60
279 FIVESTAR 724.6 1.11x 90
280 FLAIR 225.35 1.18x 85
281 FLUOROCHEM 4005.75 1.11x 90
282 FOODSIN 83.16 1.18x 85
283 FORCEMOT 8788.05 2x 50
284 FORTIS 671.8 2x 50
285 FUSION 145.61 1.11x 90
286 GABRIEL 588.75 1.67x 60
287 GAEL 106.62 1.18x 85
288 GAIL 181.56 2x 50
289 GALAXYSURF 2052.35 2x 50
290 GANDHAR 146.23 1.18x 85
291 GANDHITUBE 648.2 1.18x 85
292 GANECOS 1635.3 1.18x 85
293 GANESHBE 106.82 1.18x 85
294 GARFIBRES 944.65 2x 50
295 GATEWAY 62.06 1.18x 85
296 GENUSPOWER 272.25 1.18x 85
297 GEOJITFSL 71.9 1.18x 85
298 GESHIP 920.05 1.43x 70
299 GFLLIMITED 52.57 1.18x 85
300 GHCL 599.75 2.5x 40
301 GHCLTEXTIL 72.31 1.18x 85
302 GICHSGFIN 172.49 2.5x 40
303 GICRE 416.85 1.82x 55
304 GILLETTE 8033.2 2x 50
305 GILT5YBEES 60.14 2x 50
306 GLAND 1604.85 1.43x 70
307 GLAXO 2836.9 2x 50
308 GLENMARK 1519.85 1.54x 65
309 GLOBUSSPR 1067.9 1.11x 90
310 GMBREW 617.55 2.5x 40
311 GMDCLTD 265.9 2.5x 40
312 GMMPFAUDLR 1050.7 1.82x 55
313 GMRAIRPORT 75.94 2x 50
314 GNFC 504.85 2.5x 40
315 GOACARBON 468.55 1.11x 90
316 GOCLCORP 271.4 1.18x 85
317 GOCOLORS 676.5 1.18x 85
318 GODFRYPHLP 6465 1.33x 75
319 GODREJAGRO 758.8 1.82x 55
320 GODREJCP 1144.55 2x 50
321 GODREJIND 1159.9 1.67x 60
322 GODREJPROP 2126.2 2x 50
323 GOKEX 822.25 1.25x 80
324 GOLD1 74.2 3.33x 30
325 GOLDBEES 73.8 3.33x 30
326 GOLDIAM 385.5 1.18x 85
327 GOLDIETF 76.16 3.33x 30
328 GOLDSHARE 74.5 3.33x 30
329 GOODLUCK 721.3 1.18x 85
330 GPIL 182.16 1.18x 85
331 GPPL 142.1 2x 50
332 GRANULES 490.4 1.67x 60
333 GRAPHITE 493.4 1.43x 70
334 GRASIM 2618.7 2x 50
335 GRAVITA 1874 1.25x 80
336 GREAVESCOT 221.82 1.67x 60
337 GREENPANEL 232.2 1.25x 80
338 GREENPLY 292.9 1.43x 70
339 GRINDWELL 1663.85 2x 50
340 GRINFRA 1043.2 1.18x 85
341 GRSE 1695.9 2.5x 40
342 GSFC 181.77 1.11x 90
343 GSPL 297.1 2x 50
344 GUFICBIO 331.6 1.18x 85
345 GUJALKALI 583.5 2.5x 40
346 GUJGASLTD 410.4 2.5x 40
347 GULFOILLUB 1171.5 1.67x 60
348 HAL 4160.95 2.5x 40
349 HAPPYFORGE 782.65 1.18x 85
350 HARIOMPIPE 336.8 1.25x 80
351 HARSHA 374.05 1.11x 90
352 HATSUN 944.4 1.11x 90
353 HAVELLS 1515.35 2x 50
354 HBLENGINE 465.45 1.11x 90
355 HCC 26.52 1.25x 80
356 HCLTECH 1630.15 2.5x 40
357 HDFCAMC 4073.3 1.82x 55
358 HDFCBANK 1825.35 2.86x 35
359 HDFCGOLD 76.16 3.33x 30
360 HDFCLIFE 681.9 2x 50
361 HDFCLIQUID 1003.99 2x 50
362 HDFCSILVER 96.23 1.11x 90
363 HDFCSML250 152.3 1.11x 90
364 HEG 486 1.43x 70
365 HEIDELBERG 197.12 2x 50
366 HEMIPROP 125.31 1.25x 80
367 HERANBA 211.77 1.25x 80
368 HERCULES 144.21 1.18x 85
369 HERITGFOOD 397.3 1.11x 90
370 HEROMOTOCO 3772.05 2.86x 35
371 HEUBACHIND 583.05 2.5x 40
372 HFCL 81.25 1.43x 70
373 HGINFRA 1087.3 1.18x 85
374 HGS 464.35 1.18x 85
375 HIKAL 405.05 1.67x 60
376 HIL 1790.3 2x 50
377 HIMATSEIDE 143.93 1.67x 60
378 HINDALCO 693.35 2x 50
379 HINDCOPPER 223.45 2.5x 40
380 HINDOILEXP 174.51 1.11x 90
381 HINDPETRO 359.55 2.5x 40
382 HINDUNILVR 2244.65 2.86x 35
383 HINDWAREAP 194.4 1.18x 85
384 HINDZINC 447.9 1.43x 70
385 HITECH 105.39 1.11x 90
386 HLEGLAS 231.54 1.18x 85
387 HMAAGRO 29.18 1.18x 85
388 HNDFDS 550.15 1.18x 85
389 HNGSNGBEES 404.84 2x 50
390 HOMEFIRST 1049.45 1.11x 90
391 HONAUT 33814.5 1.67x 60
392 HPAL 48.39 1.25x 80
393 HPL 418.95 1.18x 85
394 HSCL 429.65 1.25x 80
395 HUDCO 200.18 1.67x 60
396 ICICIB22 104.63 3.33x 30
397 ICICIBANK 1336.65 2.22x 45
398 ICICIGI 1794.25 2x 50
399 ICICIPRULI 591.4 1.82x 55
400 ICIL 264.9 1.18x 85
401 ICRA 5493.7 1.43x 70
402 IDBI 77.1 1.82x 55
403 IDEAFORGE 343.85 1.25x 80
404 IDFCFIRSTB 56.94 1.67x 60
405 IEX 178.44 1.82x 55
406 IFCI 44.23 1.33x 75
407 IGARASHI 501.85 1.18x 85
408 IGL 195.5 2x 50
409 IGPL 429.75 1.18x 85
410 IIFL 336.9 2x 50
411 IIFLCAPS 221.56 1.67x 60
412 IKIO 244.89 1.11x 90
413 IMAGICAA 64.71 1.18x 85
414 INDBANK 28.63 1.11x 90
415 INDHOTEL 790.55 2x 50
416 INDIACEM 277.15 1.33x 75
417 INDIAGLYCO 1095.05 2x 50
418 INDIAMART 2070.05 1.67x 60
419 INDIANB 552.9 1.67x 60
420 INDIGO 5127.8 2x 50
421 INDIGOPNTS 944.45 1.43x 70
422 INDOCO 232.32 1.18x 85
423 INDUSINDBK 673.55 1.18x 85
424 INDUSTOWER 338.4 1.67x 60
425 INFY 1603.55 2.5x 40
426 INGERRAND 3498.2 3.33x 30
427 INOXGREEN 121.79 1.25x 80
428 INOXINDIA 1013.35 1.18x 85
429 INOXWIND 158.37 1.54x 65
430 INTLCONV 66.29 1.18x 85
431 IOB 41.75 2x 50
432 IOC 130.36 2.5x 40
433 IOLCP 61.5 2x 50
434 IONEXCHANG 472.2 1.25x 80
435 IPCALAB 1470.05 2x 50
436 IPL 141.37 1.11x 90
437 IRB 46.04 1.67x 60
438 IRCON 159.79 2.5x 40
439 IRCTC 718.05 2x 50
440 IREDA 161.66 1.18x 85
441 IRFC 124.34 1.43x 70
442 ISGEC 1049.25 1.11x 90
443 ITBEES 40.42 1.11x 90
444 ITC 409.45 2.5x 40
445 ITDCEM 555 1.25x 80
446 ITI 249.56 2x 50
447 J&KBANK 93.74 1.67x 60
448 JAICORPLTD 90.46 2.5x 40
449 JAMNAAUTO 77.04 1.67x 60
450 JBCHEPHARM 1615.7 2.5x 40
451 JCHAC 1746.15 2.5x 40
452 JINDALSAW 272.66 2.5x 40
453 JINDALSTEL 916.05 2x 50
454 JINDWORLD 66.3 1.18x 85
455 JIOFIN 225.78 1.18x 85
456 JISLJALEQS 59 1.25x 80
457 JKCEMENT 4885.8 2x 50
458 JKIL 645.85 1.11x 90
459 JKLAKSHMI 791.05 2x 50
460 JKPAPER 309.85 2x 50
461 JKTYRE 284.45 2x 50
462 JMFINANCIL 95.83 1.67x 60
463 JPPOWER 14.48 1.11x 90
464 JSL 581.95 1.11x 90
465 JSWENERGY 548.35 1.43x 70
466 JSWINFRA 322.9 1.11x 90
467 JSWSTEEL 1059.75 2.5x 40
468 JTEKTINDIA 121.5 1.18x 85
469 JTLIND 78.36 1.11x 90
470 JUBLFOOD 674.6 2x 50
471 JUBLINGREA 661.7 1.18x 85
472 JUBLPHARMA 888.7 1.43x 70
473 JUNIORBEES 676.25 3.33x 30
474 JUSTDIAL 843.7 1.67x 60
475 JYOTHYLAB 329.8 2x 50
476 KABRAEXTRU 296.5 1.11x 90
477 KAJARIACER 878.65 2x 50
478 KALYANKJIL 469.05 1.43x 70
479 KANSAINER 232.59 2x 50
480 KARURVYSYA 209.15 2x 50
481 KAYNES 4803.65 1.43x 70
482 KCP 197.83 1.18x 85
483 KEC 798.05 2x 50
484 KEI 2883.25 2.5x 40
485 KELLTONTEC 106.99 1.18x 85
486 KESORAMIND 4.42 1.11x 90
487 KFINTECH 1041.1 1.43x 70
488 KHADIM 294.65 1.18x 85
489 KHAICHEM 46.44 1.18x 85
490 KIMS 622.5 1.43x 70
491 KIRIINDUS 629.3 1.25x 80
492 KIRLOSBROS 1722.9 1.25x 80
493 KIRLOSENG 736.2 2x 50
494 KIRLOSIND 3213.65 1.18x 85
495 KIRLPNU 1202.5 1.18x 85
496 KITEX 179.38 1.18x 85
497 KKCL 461.05 1.18x 85
498 KNRCON 226.58 2x 50
499 KOKUYOCMLN 105.34 1.18x 85
500 KOLTEPATIL 326.75 1.11x 90
501 KOPRAN 177.04 1.18x 85
502 KOTAKBANK 2128.65 2.22x 45
503 KOTARISUG 33.41 1.11x 90
504 KPIL 982.9 2x 50
505 KPITTECH 1334.15 1.82x 55
506 KPRMILL 930.85 1.67x 60
507 KRBL 274 1.43x 70
508 KRSNAA 812.6 1.18x 85
509 KSB 722.8 1.18x 85
510 KSCL 1230.4 2x 50
511 KSL 775.75 1.18x 85
512 KTKBANK 178.81 1.33x 75
513 LALPATHLAB 2488 1.82x 55
514 LANDMARK 376.5 1.18x 85
515 LAOPALA 213.9 2x 50
516 LATENTVIEW 363.95 1.43x 70
517 LAURUSLABS 617.7 1.67x 60
518 LGBBROSLTD 1215.15 1.82x 55
519 LICHSGFIN 569.5 2.22x 45
520 LICI 801.15 1.43x 70
521 LIKHITHA 276.6 1.11x 90
522 LINDEINDIA 6172.9 1.43x 70
523 LIQUID 999.99 1.11x 90
524 LIQUIDBEES 999.99 3.33x 30
525 LIQUIDETF 999.99 3.33x 30
526 LIQUIDIETF 999.99 3.33x 30
527 LIQUIDSBI 1000.01 1.11x 90
528 LLOYDSME 1288.15 1.18x 85
529 LMW 15659.45 2x 50
530 LODHA 1241.3 1.43x 70
531 LT 3501.6 2.5x 40
532 LTF 155.56 1.43x 70
533 LTFOODS 376.75 2x 50
534 LTGILTBEES 27.98 1.54x 65
535 LTIm 4655.9 1.11x 90
536 LTTS 4447.75 2x 50
537 LUMAXTECH 542.95 1.67x 60
538 LUPIN 2018.8 2.5x 40
539 LUXIND 1400.2 1.43x 70
540 LXCHEM 179.53 1.11x 90
541 M&M 2733 2.86x 35
542 M&MFIN 290.1 1.67x 60
543 MADRASFERT 73.17 1.11x 90
544 MAFANG 120.55 1.11x 90
545 MAHABANK 46.81 2x 50
546 MAHLIFE 315.6 1.82x 55
547 MAHLOG 265.76 1.67x 60
548 MAHSCOOTER 11724.4 2.5x 40
549 MAHSEAMLES 692.15 2.5x 40
550 MAITHANALL 888.15 1.18x 85
551 MANALIPETC 57.97 1.25x 80
552 MANAPPURAM 232.83 1.67x 60
553 MANGCHEFER 152.74 1.11x 90
554 MANINFRA 151 1.11x 90
555 MANKIND 2452.15 1.54x 65
556 MANYAVAR 781.85 1.43x 70
557 MAPMYINDIA 1653.5 1.11x 90
558 MARICO 649.05 2.86x 35
559 MARKSANS 224.14 1.43x 70
560 MARUTI 11721.95 2.5x 40
561 MASFIN 255.16 1.33x 75
562 MASTEK 2161.9 1.11x 90
563 MATRIMONY 531.5 1.18x 85
564 MAXHEALTH 1129.4 1.54x 65
565 MAYURUNIQ 461.65 1.54x 65
566 MAZDOCK 2695.35 2.5x 40
567 MCX 5245.85 2x 50
568 MEDANTA 1213.85 1.11x 90
569 MEDPLUS 742.7 1.18x 85
570 METROBRAND 1011.2 1.11x 90
571 METROPOLIS 1584.55 1.82x 55
572 MFSL 1112 1.43x 70
573 MFSL 1147.3 1.43x 70
574 MGL 1367.35 2x 50
575 MHRIL 292.7 2x 50
576 MID150BEES 197.57 2x 50
577 MIDHANI 281.04 1.54x 65
578 MINDACORP 538.2 2x 50
579 MMTC 54.08 1.18x 85
580 MOIL 328.4 2x 50
581 MOL 61.77 1.18x 85
582 MOLDTKPAC 423.95 1.67x 60
583 MON100 183.43 3.33x 30
584 MONTECARLO 530.65 1.18x 85
585 MOREPENLAB 48.55 1.43x 70
586 MOTHERSON 131.91 1.82x 55
587 MOTILALOFS 624.8 1.67x 60
588 MPHASIS 2528.2 2x 50
589 MPSLTD 2890.65 1.67x 60
590 MRF 113264.05 2.5x 40
591 MRPL 136.92 1.33x 75
592 MSTCLTD 510.9 1.11x 90
593 MSUMI 53 1.43x 70
594 MTARTECH 1303.3 1.43x 70
595 MUKANDLTD 91.31 1.18x 85
596 MUNJALSHOW 109.12 1.18x 85
597 MUTHOOTFIN 2337.9 1.54x 65
598 MUTHOOTMF 126.48 1.18x 85
599 NAM-INDIA 589.75 1.54x 65
600 NATCOPHARM 822.75 2x 50
601 NATIONALUM 178.81 1.43x 70
602 NAUKRI 7214.6 2x 50
603 NAVA 495.35 1.11x 90
604 NAVINFLUOR 4215.2 2.5x 40
605 NAVKARCORP 105.15 1.11x 90
606 NAVNETEDUL 138.32 1.67x 60
607 NAZARA 949.45 1.43x 70
608 NBCC 82.71 2x 50
609 NCC 208.54 2x 50
610 NCLIND 184.13 2.5x 40
611 NDTV 113.54 1.11x 90
612 NECLIFE 23.61 1.18x 85
613 NELCAST 83.64 1.18x 85
614 NELCO 911 1.18x 85
615 NEOGEN 1618.45 1.11x 90
616 NESCO 914.1 1.67x 60
617 NESTLEIND 2242.05 2.5x 40
618 NETWORK18 44.96 1.11x 90
619 NEULANDLAB 12069.2 2x 50
620 NFL 83.05 2.5x 40
621 NH 1673.4 2.5x 40
622 NHPC 81.28 1.33x 75
623 NIACL 158.22 2.5x 40
624 NIF100BEES 253.23 2x 50
625 NIFTY1 256.89 3.33x 30
626 NIFTYBEES 263.73 3.33x 30
627 NIFTYIETF 262.4 3.33x 30
628 NILKAMAL 1565.85 2x 50
629 NLCINDIA 245.5 2.5x 40
630 NMDC 68.55 2.22x 45
631 NOCIL 176.33 2x 50
632 NRBBEARING 202.18 1.11x 90
633 NSLNISP 33.68 1.18x 85
634 NTPC 360.65 3.33x 30
635 NUVAMA 6071.9 1.18x 85
636 NUVOCO 310.4 1.18x 85
637 NYKAA 174.55 1.54x 65
638 OBEROIRLTY 1643.05 2x 50
639 OFSS 7866.25 2x 50
640 OIL 386.05 2x 50
641 OLECTRA 1167.45 1.11x 90
642 ONGC 242.17 1.43x 70
643 ONMOBILE 45.63 1.43x 70
644 ORCHPHARMA 777.1 1.18x 85
645 ORIENTCEM 338.2 2.5x 40
646 ORIENTELEC 211.33 2.5x 40
647 ORIENTHOT 144.09 1.25x 80
648 ORIENTPPR 23.51 1.54x 65
649 ORISSAMINE 5074.65 1.18x 85
650 PAGEIND 43891.45 2.5x 40
651 PARADEEP 101.62 1.18x 85
652 PARAGMILK 156.55 2.5x 40
653 PATANJALI 1783.7 1.18x 85
654 PATELENG 40.18 1.18x 85
655 PCBL 421.55 2.5x 40
656 PEL 993.5 1.67x 60
657 PENIND 190.77 1.18x 85
658 PERSISTENT 5641.45 1.67x 60
659 PETRONET 294.15 2.5x 40
660 PFC 421 2.5x 40
661 PFIZER 3973.05 2x 50
662 PGEL 927.05 1.18x 85
663 PGHH 12789.95 2x 50
664 PGHL 5002.6 2x 50
665 PHARMABEES 21.68 2x 50
666 PHOENIXLTD 1660.7 1.67x 60
667 PIDILITIND 2866.5 2.5x 40
668 PIIND 3482.65 2x 50
669 PILANIINVS 3971.05 1.18x 85
670 PNB 96.41 1.67x 60
671 PNBGILTS 80.97 1.18x 85
672 PNBHOUSING 871 2.5x 40
673 PNCINFRA 259.9 1.18x 85
674 POKARNA 1261.8 1.18x 85
675 POLICYBZR 1647.15 1.54x 65
676 POLYCAB 5216.55 1.67x 60
677 POLYMED 2211.25 2.5x 40
678 POLYPLEX 1219.75 2.5x 40
679 POONAWALLA 338.6 1.11x 90
680 POWERGRID 295.5 2.5x 40
681 POWERINDIA 12947.95 2x 50
682 POWERMECH 2435.3 1.18x 85
683 PPLPHARMA 218.79 1.43x 70
684 PRAJIND 566 1.18x 85
685 PRECWIRE 135.23 1.18x 85
686 PRESTIGE 1206.05 1.33x 75
687 PRICOLLTD 453.95 1.11x 90
688 PRINCEPIPE 253.45 1.43x 70
689 PROZONER 28.19 1.11x 90
690 PRSMJOHNSN 137.98 1.67x 60
691 PRUDENT 2325.55 1.18x 85
692 PSB 44.66 1.18x 85
693 PSPPROJECT 633.2 1.67x 60
694 PSUBNKBEES 69.85 1.54x 65
695 PTC 163.42 1.33x 75
696 PTC 163.42 1.33x 75
697 PVRINOX 932.95 1.67x 60
698 QGOLDHALF 73.74 3.33x 30
699 QUESS 660.15 1.82x 55
700 QUICKHEAL 294.7 2x 50
701 RADIANTCMS 53.65 1.18x 85
702 RADICO 2375.3 2.5x 40
703 RAILTEL 308.1 1.54x 65
704 RAIN 136.62 2x 50
705 RAINBOW 1378.5 1.18x 85
706 RAJESHEXPO 195.52 2.5x 40
707 RAJRATAN 296.7 1.18x 85
708 RALLIS 219.21 2x 50
709 RAMASTEEL 9.52 1.18x 85
710 RAMCOCEM 882.75 2x 50
711 RAMCOIND 228.88 1.18x 85
712 RAMCOSYS 351.1 1.11x 90
713 RAMKY 451.2 1.18x 85
714 RAMRAT 550.9 1.18x 85
715 RANASUG 12.65 1.18x 85
716 RANEHOLDIN 1261.85 1.18x 85
717 RATEGAIN 437.05 1.54x 65
718 RATNAMANI 2546.75 1.67x 60
719 RAYMOND 1437.5 1.82x 55
720 RBA 63.63 1.11x 90
721 RBLBANK 176.91 1.54x 65
722 RCF 128.37 2.5x 40
723 RECLTD 433.4 2.5x 40
724 REDINGTON 243.58 2x 50
725 RELAXO 416.55 2x 50
726 RELIANCE 1278.2 2.5x 40
727 RELINFRA 255.12 1.18x 85
728 RENUKA 28.35 1.11x 90
729 REPCOHOME 335.55 1.43x 70
730 RESPONIND 184.62 1.18x 85
731 RHIM 514.7 1.43x 70
732 RICOAUTO 60.64 1.43x 70
733 RIIL 804.55 2.5x 40
734 RITCO 256.6 1.18x 85
735 RITES 230.64 1.67x 60
736 RKFORGE 780.35 1.43x 70
737 ROHLTD 384.3 1.18x 85
738 ROLEXRINGS 1266.75 1.25x 80
739 ROSSARI 607.05 3.33x 30
740 ROTO 211.96 1.18x 85
741 ROUTE 950.35 1.43x 70
742 RPGLIFE 2243.2 2x 50
743 RRKABEL 914.7 1.18x 85
744 RSYSTEMS 334.45 1.18x 85
745 RUPA 180.62 1.11x 90
746 RUSTOMJEE 532.25 1.18x 85
747 RVNL 354.65 2.5x 40
748 SAFARI 1939.35 1.11x 90
749 SAIL 113.88 1.43x 70
750 SAKHTISUG 21.35 1.18x 85
751 SALZERELEC 1084.9 1.18x 85
752 SAMHI 148.18 1.18x 85
753 SAMMAANCAP 109.98 1.25x 80
754 SANDHAR 383.2 1.67x 60
755 SANGHVIMOV 249.7 1.18x 85
756 SANOFI 5843.15 2x 50
757 SANSERA 1209.6 1.18x 85
758 SAPPHIRE 299 1.43x 70
759 SARDAEN 506.55 1.18x 85
760 SAREGAMA 512.45 1.43x 70
761 SBCL 451.35 1.18x 85
762 SBFC 89.25 1.18x 85
763 SBICARD 870.5 2.5x 40
764 SBIETFQLTY 206.76 2x 50
765 SBILIFE 1544.9 2x 50
766 SBIN 772.3 2x 50
767 SCHAEFFLER 3409.1 2x 50
768 SCI 167 1.67x 60
769 SDL26BEES 129.44 2x 50
770 SETFGOLD 76.08 3.33x 30
771 SETFNIF50 249.33 3.33x 30
772 SETFNIFBK 524.83 2.5x 40
773 SFL 720.75 1.67x 60
774 SHALBY 196.32 1.18x 85
775 SHALPAINTS 99.85 1.18x 85
776 SHANKARA 547.85 1.11x 90
777 SHANTIGEAR 472.15 1.11x 90
778 SHARDACROP 605.5 2x 50
779 SHILPAMED 683.7 1.11x 90
780 SHK 180.56 2.5x 40
781 SHOPERSTOP 564.85 2.5x 40
782 SHREDIGCEM 69.56 1.11x 90
783 SHREECEM 30146.45 2.5x 40
784 SHRIRAMFIN 678.5 1.43x 70
785 SHRIRAMPPS 75.06 1.11x 90
786 SHYAMMETL 853.95 1.18x 85
787 SIEMENS 5314.15 2.5x 40
788 SIGACHI 35.52 1.11x 90
789 SILVER 99.81 1.11x 90
790 SILVERBEES 95.9 1.54x 65
791 SIRCA 241.2 1.11x 90
792 SIS 327.1 2.5x 40
793 SIYSIL 667.3 1.11x 90
794 SJS 885.9 1.18x 85
795 SJVN 92.38 2x 50
796 SKFINDIA 3786.65 2x 50
797 SKIPPER 449.35 1.18x 85
798 SMCGLOBAL 106.17 1.18x 85
799 SMLISUZU 1557.05 2x 50
800 SNOWMAN 45.37 1.11x 90
801 SOBHA 1210.6 1.82x 55
802 SOLARINDS 10935.1 2x 50
803 SOMANYCERA 417.05 1.11x 90
804 SONACOMS 467.35 1.54x 65
805 SONATSOFTW 356.35 2x 50
806 SOTL 378.7 1.18x 85
807 SOUTHBANK 23.46 1.33x 75
808 SPAL 692.7 1.18x 85
809 SPARC 150.73 1.43x 70
810 SPCENET 6.58 1.18x 85
811 SPENCERS 64.5 2x 50
812 SPIC 82.95 1.18x 85
813 SPLPETRO 617.25 1.18x 85
814 SPORTKING 76.95 1.18x 85
815 SRF 2946.45 2.22x 45
816 SSWL 180.37 1.18x 85
817 STAR 655.2 1.82x 55
818 STARCEMENT 217.51 1.11x 90
819 STARHEALTH 358.3 1.54x 65
820 STCINDIA 136.45 1.11x 90
821 STEELXIND 7.77 1.18x 85
822 STERTOOLS 309.8 1.18x 85
823 STLTECH 82.62 2x 50
824 STOVEKRAFT 729.05 1.18x 85
825 SUBEXLTD 12.84 1.18x 85
826 SUBROS 562 2x 50
827 SUDARSCHEM 970.7 2.5x 40
828 SULA 269.75 1.11x 90
829 SUMICHEM 530.35 2.5x 40
830 SUNDARMFIN 4507.2 1.67x 60
831 SUNDRMFAST 906.25 2x 50
832 SUNFLAG 233.32 1.18x 85
833 SUNPHARMA 1731.45 2.5x 40
834 SUNTECK 399.75 2.5x 40
835 SUNTV 665.45 1.43x 70
836 SUPRAJIT 380.85 1.67x 60
837 SUPREMEIND 3460.25 2x 50
838 SUPRIYA 734.35 1.11x 90
839 SURYAROSNI 249.45 1.11x 90
840 SURYODAY 103.03 1.11x 90
841 SUVEN 114.74 2x 50
842 SUVENPHAR 1110.2 2.5x 40
843 SWANENERGY 442.45 1.43x 70
844 SWARAJENG 3910.3 1.67x 60
845 SYMPHONY 1154.8 1.67x 60
846 SYNGENE 719.55 2x 50
847 SYRMA 474.7 1.43x 70
848 TAJGVK 472 1.18x 85
849 TANLA 479.1 1.18x 85
850 TARSONS 314.9 1.18x 85
851 TASTYBITE 8333.8 2x 50
852 TATACHEM 847.8 1.67x 60
853 TATACOMM 1594.55 2.5x 40
854 TATACONSUM 973.55 2.22x 45
855 TATAELXSI 5417.8 2x 50
856 TATAMOTORS 668.55 1.43x 70
857 TATAPOWER 383.4 2.5x 40
858 TATASTEEL 155.42 2.5x 40
859 TATATECH 687.15 1.18x 85
860 TATVA 697.4 1.18x 85
861 TBZ 180.72 1.18x 85
862 TCI 1079.35 1.67x 60
863 TCIEXP 619.45 1.67x 60
864 TCPLPACK 4485.65 1.18x 85
865 TCS 3651.2 2.86x 35
866 TDPOWERSYS 408.9 1.18x 85
867 TEAMLEASE 1833.85 2x 50
868 TECHM 1423.9 2.5x 40
869 TECHNOE 1015.95 1.18x 85
870 TEGA 1455.6 1.11x 90
871 TEJASNET 776.4 1.43x 70
872 TEXINFRA 106.51 1.18x 85
873 TEXMOPIPES 50.1 1.11x 90
874 TEXRAIL 138.75 1.11x 90
875 THERMAX 3776.75 1.82x 55
876 THYROCARE 700.65 2x 50
877 TI 237.54 1.18x 85
878 TIIL 2696.5 1.18x 85
879 TIINDIA 2761.9 2.5x 40
880 TIMETECHNO 428.95 1.11x 90
881 TIMKEN 2709.55 2.5x 40
882 TIRUMALCHM 242.12 1.11x 90
883 TITAGARH 815.2 1.43x 70
884 TITAN 3087.65 2.5x 40
885 TMB 414.9 1.18x 85
886 TNPETRO 70.03 1.18x 85
887 TNPL 127.21 2.5x 40
888 TORNTPHARM 3233.15 2x 50
889 TORNTPOWER 1501.95 2x 50
890 TRACXN 55.39 1.18x 85
891 TRANSWORLD 253.15 1.18x 85
892 TREL 34.31 1.18x 85
893 TRENT 5422.3 1.67x 60
894 TRIDENT 24.93 1.11x 90
895 TRITURBINE 560.45 1.67x 60
896 TRIVENI 392.15 1.11x 90
897 TRU 7.4 1.18x 85
898 TTKPRESTIG 601.7 2x 50
899 TTML 58.42 1.11x 90
900 TVSHLTD 8821.1 1.18x 85
901 TVSMOTOR 2455.65 2x 50
902 TVSSCS 130.27 1.18x 85
903 TVSSRICHAK 2532.85 2x 50
904 TVTODAY 158.23 1.43x 70
905 UBL 1931.15 2.22x 45
906 UBL 1975.95 2.22x 45
907 UCOBANK 36.7 2x 50
908 UFLEX 499.1 2.5x 40
909 UGROCAP 168.98 1.18x 85
910 UJJIVANSFB 34.69 2.5x 40
911 ULTRACEMCO 11599.6 2.5x 40
912 UNICHEMLAB 699.65 1.67x 60
913 UNIONBANK 124.21 2x 50
914 UNIPARTS 311.4 1.11x 90
915 UNITDSPR 1408.1 2x 50
916 UNIVCABLES 511.6 1.18x 85
917 UNOMINDA 915.9 1.43x 70
918 UNOMINDA 934.45 1.43x 70
919 UPL 656.4 2.22x 45
920 USHAMART 341.3 1.43x 70
921 UTIAMC 1060.65 3.33x 30
922 UTINEXT50 67.64 1.11x 90
923 UTKARSHBNK 22.8 1.11x 90
924 UTTAMSUGAR 254.24 1.11x 90
925 VADILALIND 4641.15 1.18x 85
926 VALIANTORG 264.2 1.11x 90
927 VARROC 442.25 1.11x 90
928 VASCONEQ 36.85 1.18x 85
929 VBL 536.3 2.5x 40
930 VEDL 472.35 1.54x 65
931 VENKEYS 1588.4 2x 50
932 VENUSPIPES 1228.25 1.43x 70
933 VGUARD 350.45 1.33x 75
934 VIJAYA 1002.15 1.18x 85
935 VINATIORGA 1575.35 2x 50
936 VINDHYATEL 1301.95 1.18x 85
937 VINYLINDIA 283.97 1.11x 90
938 VIPIND 286.15 2x 50
939 VISHNU 461.15 1.18x 85
940 VISHWARAJ 8.15 1.11x 90
941 VMART 2899.35 2.5x 40
942 VOLTAS 1423.4 2x 50
943 VPRPL 160.81 1.18x 85
944 VRLLOG 474.7 1.67x 60
945 VSTIND 258.15 2x 50
946 VSTTILLERS 3716.2 2.5x 40
947 VTL 394.75 2.5x 40
948 WABAG 1472.55 2x 50
949 WELCORP 871.9 1.43x 70
950 WELENT 506.1 1.18x 85
951 WELSPUNLIV 135.63 1.43x 70
952 WESTLIFE 701.55 2x 50
953 WHIRLPOOL 985.55 1.43x 70
954 WIPRO 272.2 1.82x 55
955 WONDERLA 662.05 1.67x 60
956 WSTCSTPAPR 417.4 1.18x 85
957 XCHANGING 87.32 1.18x 85
958 YATHARTH 422.35 1.18x 85
959 YATRA 84.5 1.18x 85
960 ZEEL 101.65 1.67x 60
961 ZENSARTECH 688.25 1.11x 90
962 ZFCVINDIA 12654.95 2x 50
963 ZOMATO 206.28 1.54x 65
964 ZYDUSLIFE 890.75 2.5x 40
965 ZYDUSWELL 1690.6 2x 50

The securities are quoted as an example and not as a recommendation.

Learn More About MTF


Can I use MTF to trade in the derivatives segment?

Are there any charges for pledging or unpledging shares under MTF?

Will I receive corporate action benefits for shares held under MTF?

Can I convert my MTF positions to regular delivery holdings?

How can I monitor my MTF positions?

Are there any specific risks associated with MTF?

Can I use MTF for intraday trading?

Are there any tax implications for profits earned through MTF?

Can I partially square off my MTF positions?

Is there a grace period for meeting margin shortfalls?

How is the interest on the funded amount calculated?

What is the procedure if I want to hold MTF positions beyond the standard holding period?

Are there any penalties for early repayment of the funded amount?

Can I use MTF to invest in mutual funds or ETFs?

What happens if my MTF stocks drop in value?

Are there any hidden charges in MTF?

Can I use profits from my MTF trades to buy more stocks under MTF?

Will I receive dividends on MTF stocks?

What happens in case of a stock split?

Are buybacks applicable for MTF holdings?

Can I pledge shares from another demat account for MTF margin?

MTF Policy Note

Samco Securities Limited ("Samco") offers a Margin Trading Facility (MTF) to its clients, enabling them to leverage their investments in approved securities. This policy outlines the risk management framework, compliance requirements, and operational procedures governing MTF, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards and the safeguarding of client interests.

Regulatory Framework

This policy is formulated in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) guidelines, particularly SEBI circular CIR/MRD/DP/54/2017 dated June 13, 2017, and subsequent amendments. Samco ensures compliance with all SEBI regulations and circulars pertaining to MTF.

Client Requirements:
  • Must have an active trading and demat account with Samco.
  • Must execute the MTF agreement and provide necessary consents as per SEBI guidelines.
Margin Requirements
Initial Margin:
  • Clients are required to maintain an initial margin as prescribed by SEBI and Samco's internal policies.
  • The margin percentage varies based on the security's risk profile and may be updated periodically.
Maintenance Margin:
  • Clients must ensure that the margin does not fall below the required level due to market volatility.
  • In case of a shortfall, clients are obligated to replenish the margin within the stipulated time frame to avoid liquidation of positions.
Mark-to-Market (MTM):
  • Positions are marked-to-market daily.
  • Any MTM losses leading to margin shortfall must be covered by the client promptly.
Exposure Limits:
  • Total Indebtedness of Stock Broker under MTF: Not to exceed 5 times of net worth.
  • Maximum Allowable Exposure under MTF: Not to exceed the borrowed funds + 50% of net worth.
  • Maximum Exposure to Single Client: Not to exceed 10% of maximum allowable exposure under MTF.
Securities Eligible for Margin Trading:

Only securities specified by SEBI and exchanges are eligible under MTF.Samco provides a list of over 800 MTF eligible stocks, which is subject to periodic review based on market conditions and internal risk assessments.

Category of Stock Initial Margin Applicable Form of Margin Acceptance
Group I stocks available for trading in the F&O Segment VaR + 3 times applicable ELM* In the form of Cash and/or Group-I Equity Securities, available in F&O, with an appropriate haircut.
Group I stocks other than F&O stocks and units of Equity ETFs VaR + 5 times applicable ELM* In the form of Cash and/or Group-I Equity Securities, available in F&O, with an appropriate haircut.

Securities forming part of "Group I Securities" as per SEBI Master Circular No. SEBI/ HO/ MRD/ DP/ CIR/ P/ 2016/ 135 dated December 16, 2016, shall be eligible for MTF. Samco reserves the right to include or exclude securities from the "MTF Approved Category List" at its discretion without prior intimation.

The Initial Margin payable by the client shall be in the form of Cash and/or Group I Equity Securities, available in F&O, with an appropriate haircut. Samco may apply additional haircuts at its discretion.

Margin on "Funded Securities" under MTF is computed by grossing applicable margins and checking against available margins. Collateral and funded shares are marked to market daily.

Clients must maintain required margins at all times. If there is a margin shortfall, Samco will issue a margin call. If not met at the earliest, Samco may liquidate the securities and/or close the position.

  • Securities under surveillance measures like ASM, GSM, or those categorized as illiquid may be excluded.
  • Samco reserves the right to modify the list of eligible securities without prior notice.
Scrip Classification

Market Capitalisation: Stocks with a higher market capitalization (large-cap stocks) are generally preferred for margin trading as they tend to have more stable price movements compared to Mid cap & Small-cap stocks. Large-cap stocks are usually considered less risky and more liquid.

Stock Price Range: Scrips with a moderate price range are often preferred for margin trading. Stocks that are too low-priced (penny stocks) may have low liquidity or be more volatile, while extremely high-priced stocks may not be attractive to many traders because of the large capital required.

Historical Performance: The historical performance of a stock in terms of price stability and profitability is another important factor. Stocks with a consistent performance track record are more likely to be included in MTF lists.

Sector and Industry Performance: Stocks belonging to sectors or industries that are currently performing well are likely to be included in margin trading. For example, if the technology sector is booming, stocks within this sector may be more likely to qualify for MTF.

Company Fundamentals: A company’s financial health, including profitability, revenue growth, debt levels, and management quality, impacts its eligibility for margin trading. Stocks of companies with strong fundamentals are generally preferred.

Risk Management and Margin Requirements: The broker's risk management policies and the margin requirements set for each stock influence the classification of scrips. Brokers typically set higher margin requirements for stocks that are more volatile or have lower liquidity to manage the potential risk.

Price-to-Earnings (P/E) Ratio: Stocks with a reasonable P/E ratio (not too high or too low) may be considered more stable for margin trading. Extreme ratios may signal overvaluation or undervaluation, leading to higher risks.

Corporate Actions: Events like mergers, acquisitions, stock splits, or bonus issues can influence a stock’s eligibility for margin trading. Stocks undergoing such actions may have heightened risks, and brokers will evaluate whether to offer margin trading on such stocks.

Leverage and Exposure Limits
Leverage Provision:

Samco offers up to 4X leverage on eligible securities, subject to regulatory limits and internal risk assessments.

Exposure Monitoring:
  • Client-wise exposure is monitored in real-time.
  • Samco may adjust or restrict exposure limits based on market volatility, client profile, and overall risk considerations.
Interest and Charges

An interest of 0.05% per day is charged on the outstanding borrowed capital for each day the amount remains unpaid (This rate may vary based on market conditions with prior notice). Standard brokerage and statutory charges apply as per Samco's prevailing tariff structure.

Collateral and Pledging
Pledging of Securities:
  • Securities purchased under MTF are required to be pledged in favor of Samco.
  • Clients do not need to pledge MTF positions manually, as they will be auto-pledged. However, pledge and unpledge charges will apply.
Unpledging and Selling:
  • Clients can sell MTF securities without the need to unpledge them manually.
  • Upon selling, the proceeds are adjusted against the outstanding debit, and any surplus is credited to the client's account.
Risk Management and Monitoring

Samco employs advanced RMS tools to monitor client positions and margin requirements on a real-time basis.

Corporate actions such as dividends, stock splits, bonus issues, mergers, and rights issues will impact the valuation and margin requirements of securities under MTF. In the case of corporate actions, MTF positions will be converted to CNC/Delivery, and clients must ensure sufficient margin availability to accommodate these adjustments.

In the event of a margin shortfall, clients will be notified via email to replenish the deficient margin within a stipulated period. If the margin is not restored within the given timeframe, Samco reserves the right to initiate the liquidation of client positions to cover the shortfall. The square-off process is categorized into two types: risk-based square-off and margin shortfall square-off.

Risk-based square-off is executed when market volatility, illiquidity, or adverse news increases the risk associated with a position, irrespective of margin availability.

Margin shortfall square-off occurs when a client's available margin falls below the required level and is not rectified within the prescribed time.

For example, if a client purchases shares worth ₹1,00,000 under MTF with an initial margin requirement of ₹25,000 (25%) and the stock value drops, raising the margin requirement to ₹30,000, a shortfall of ₹5,000 arises. If the client fails to provide this additional margin within the stipulated period after a margin call, Samco will liquidate a portion of the securities to cover the deficit. The key difference between the two square-off scenarios is that risk-based square-off is initiated due to external risk factors impacting a position, regardless of the margin status, while margin shortfall square-off is specifically triggered by the client’s failure to maintain the required margin.

In the event of margin shortfall or breach of exposure limits, Samco reserves the right to square off positions without prior notice to the client.

While Samco endeavors to notify clients of margin shortfalls via SMS, email, or platform notifications, it is the client's responsibility to monitor their positions and margins.

Rights and Obligations of Clients

Client Responsibilities

  • Ensure timely payment of margins and MTM.
  • Regularly monitor positions and maintain required margins.
  • Understand the risks associated with leveraged trading and adhere to Samco's terms and conditions.
  • Clients must ensure that all MTF positions are pledged by the end of the trading day to remain compliant with regulatory requirements. Failure to pledge within the stipulated timeframe may result in liquidation of securities.
Samco's Rights
  • Modify margin requirements and eligible securities list based on risk assessments.
  • Initiate liquidation of positions in case of heightened risk scenarios & any margin shortfall.
  • Samco has the rights to terminate MTF facility for the clients without prior notice.
  • Samco has the rights to change the MTF policy clause without prior notice.
Amendments and Review

This policy is subject to periodic review to incorporate changes due to regulatory updates, market conditions, or internal assessments. Any amendments will be updated on the website & policy

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