
Steps to access your eCAS

Upload your latest eConsolidated Account Holding Statement which your depository participant sends you via email.

Download eCAS File

Download your Consolidated Account Holding Statement (eCAS) from the email sent by your depository participant.

Upload eCAS File

The file will be password-protected, & you can upload it here & unlock it by using your PAN card number.

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How does Samco Stock Rating works?

Samco Stock Ratings assess over 20 million data points, assigning 1 to 5 stars based on 50+ fundamental and technical parameters. Detailed pros and cons help guide your stock decisions, indicating which to buy and which to avoid.

Ratings Scale Business Quality Price Momentum What should you expect?
Good Business Very Strong Momentum The business is expected to generate very high returns (15%+) in the medium term
Good Business Strong Momentum The business is expected to generate high returns (10% to 15%) in the medium term
Average Business Average Momentum The business is expected to generate average returns (7% to 10%) in the medium term
Poor Business Average Momentum The business is expected to generate low returns (3% to 7%) in the medium term
Poor Business Poor Momentum The business is expected to generate average returns (negative to 3%) in the medium term

How does Stock Rating Engine works??

Unlock precise stock insights with Samco Stock Rating Matrix, analyzing 20 million data points and 50+ factors. Our star rating system simplifies complex analysis, considering both fundamental and technical aspects, providing clear pros & cons for informed decisions. Each company receives a quality score based on financial parameters, while a momentum score evaluates overall price strength. The result? A final score from 1 to 5, empowering investors with actionable information. Invest smarter with Samco!

Efficiency of Business

Estimate Growth

Quality of Management

Quality of Earnings

Price Momentum & Strength


How frequently do the ratings change?

What is the time frame for which these ratings should be viewed?

How do we evaluate newly listed companies?

The limitations of ratings in shorter time frames/cycles?

What are the pros and cons tags for each business?


  • Investments in securities markets are subject to market risk. Please read all related documents carefully before investing or trading.
  • All investments in equities are inherently subject to market risks which may not lead to expected returns and sometimes even result in negative returns or loss of complete capital. Financial markets are prone to multiple risks like politics, economics, social, global environment, stock specific risks and black swan types of events which may lead to suboptimal returns. Samco research does not assure that it will be able to control or mitigate or comprehend all such risks. Clients therefore must understand such risks and their ability, willingness and capability to take risk must be assessed by themselves before investing or trading in capital markets.
  • The contents and data available on Samco Stock Ratings platform are for information and illustration purposes only. Charts and performance numbers are back tested/simulated results calculated via a standard methodology and do not include the impact of transaction fee and other related costs. Data used for calculation of historical returns and other information is provided by exchange approved third party data vendors and has neither been audited nor validated by Samco. Investors should be aware that system responses, execution price, speed, liquidity, market data, and account access times are affected by many factors, including market volatility, size and type of order, market conditions, system performance, and other factors...Read More